Council of European Aerospace Societies
The Council of European Aerospace Societies was formed in 1993 as the Confederation of European Aerospace Societies in recognition of the increasingly international nature of the aerospace business. The transition from Confederation to Council took place in 2003 with the intention of providing improved collaboration, legal status and use of the resources of the constituent Societies.
Constituent Societies
- Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France (AAAF)
- Asociación de Ingenieros Aeronáuticos de España (AIAE)
- Associazione Italiana di Aeronautica e Astronautica (AIDAA)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt - Lilienthal- Oberth e. V. (DGLR)
- Flygtekniska Föreningen. Svensk förening för flygteknik och rymdteknik (FTF) (The Swedish Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics)
- Hellenic Aeronautical Engineers Society (HAES)
- Nederlandse Vereniging voor Luchtvaarttechniek (NVvL)
- Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS)
- Schweizerische Vereinigung für Flugwissenschaften (SWFV) (Swiss Association of Aeronautical Sciences).