Costin Miereanu

Costin Miereanu (born 27 February 1943 in Bucharest) is a French composer and musicologist of Romanian birth.


Miereanu studied from 1960 to 1966 at the Music Academy of Bucharest with Alfred Mendelsohn, Dan Constantinescu, and Lazar Octavian Cosma, and later at the École des Hautes Études et Sciences Sociales, at the Schola Cantorum, and at the University of Paris VIII, where he was awarded first prizes in writing, analysis, music history, esthetics, orchestration, and composition) and earned a Doctor of Letters and a Doctor of Musical Semiotics. Between 1967 and 1969 he was a student of Karlheinz Stockhausen, György Ligeti, and Ehrhard Karkoschka at the Internationale Ferienkurse für neue Musik in Darmstadt (Cosma 2001). In 1977 he became a French citizen. Since 1981 he has been Professor of Philosophy, Aesthetics, and the Science of Art at the Sorbonne.

Miereanu evolved his compositional style featuring a sensuous sonic fabric by combining of Satie's techniques with an abstraction of Romanian traditional music (Cosma 2001). Many of his complex and often virtuoso works include visual components. Miereanu has composed aleatoric works and works in the style of Musique concrète for orchester and chamber orchestra, often with the employment of tape-recording equipment, as well as works for the theatre. He was awarded the prize of the European Cultural Foundation 1967, the Prix Enescu (1974), and the Prix de la Partition Pédagogique of the French Composers’ Association (SACEM).

Portions translated from the German and French Wikipedias

