Corruption in Egypt

Prior to the 2011 revolution critics agreed that corruption in Egypt was widespread and that anti-corruption measures were perceived to be mere cosmetic changes serving Mubarak's political agenda. However, the uprisings spurred a whirlwind of official corruption cases as well as the trials of several ministers and businessmen with ties to the former regime.

The current government under the Morsi administration focuses its efforts on the fight against corruption and has included several anti-corruption initiatives into the new 2012 constitution. The Constitution stipulates, amongst other provisions, the public's right to information, data, documents and statistics. It also imposes annual financial disclosure on Parliament members. Furthermore, the government created an anti-corruption commission designed to deal with standards of integrity and transparency in government and address conflict of interest.[1]

Despite these anti-corruption initiatives, the gap between legislation and enfocement hampers the government's efforts in fighting corruption. Furthermore, the work of independent bodies such as civil society has been restricted by a new draft law. Observers note that the draft law seriously impedes civil society's ability to act as a bulwark against official corruption.[2]


  1. "What's new in Egypt's draft constitution?". BBC News. Retrieved 7 February 2014.
  2. "Egypt Country Profile". Business Anti-Corruption Portal. Retrieved 10 June 2013.

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