Copyright law of Sri Lanka

The basic legal instrument governing copyright law in Sri Lanka is Part II (ss. 5–27) of the Intellectual Property Act, No. 36 of 2003 (Sinhala: 2003 අංක 36 දරන බුද්ධිමය දේපල පනත; Tamil: 2003ஆம் ஆண்டின் 36ஆம் இலக்க புலமைச்சொத்து பாதுகாப்பு சட்டம்)[1] replacing Part II (ss. 6–24) of the Code of Intellectual Property Act, No. 52 of 1979.[2]

Intellectual Property Act, No. 36 of 2003

Objects of copyright

According to section 6 original intellectual creations in the literary, artistic and scientific domain are protected as works, in particular

including transformations and modifications of works as well as collections (s. 7).

Excluded are (s. 8)

Foreign works are covered by section 26 subsection (2).

Content and ownership of copyright: economic and moral rights

The owner of copyright has the exclusive right to carry out or to authorize the following acts in relation to the work (economic rights, s. 9):

Protected is the entire work as well as a substantial part thereof.[5]

The original owner of these economic rights is the author (exception: works for hire),[6] in the case of an audiovisual work the producer (s. 14).

The owner of a copyright may

Furthermore the author of a work enjoys the following moral rights (s. 10):

Limitation of copyright: fair use

Acts of fair use include inter alia (s. 12)

Duration of copyright

The economic and moral rights are protected during the life time of the author and for a further period of 70 years from the date of his death (p.m.a.); a work of applied art is protected for 25 years from the date of the making of the work (s. 13).

Related rights

Related rights include the rights of performers (ss. 17, 19), the rights of producers of sound recordings (ss. 18, 19) and the rights of broadcasting organisations (s. 20), each of them having a duration of 50 years (limitations: s. 21).

Copyright infringement

When copyright is infringed, the Court has power and jurisdiction to grant injunctions, to order the impounding and destruction of illegal copies and to award damages (ss. 22, 170).

Copyright infringement may also lead to criminal charges (s. 178; accessories: s. 196; limitation: s. 202).


  1. cases
  3. e.g. Fernando v. Gamlath, (2011) 1 SLR 273 (S.C.) concerning C.T. Fernando's song Pinsiduwanne used in a teledrama
  4. but see the Telegram Copyright Ordinance, No. 19 of 1898related cases
  5. cf. Wijesinghe Mahanamaheva and another v. Austin Canter, (1986) 2 SLR 154 (C.A.) concerning Gregg shorthand
  6. cf. Associated Newspapers of Ceylon v. Amarasinghe (2012), SC CHC (APP) No. 30/2003

See also

External links