
Not to be confused with Coprophagia.

Coprographia is involuntarily making vulgar writings or drawings.[1] Coprographia comes from the Greek κόπρος meaning "feces".

Related terms are coprolalia, the involuntary usage of profane words,[2] and copropraxia, the involuntary performance of obscene gestures.[3]


  1. "Linguistics 210 Semantics" (pdf). Semantic features and Tourette’s Syndrome. Retrieved November 21, 2006. While this source defines coprographia, it makes misrepresentations about copro phenomena in relation to Tourette's: they are not common, and not required for diagnosis.
  2. Coprolalia., Accessed 21 November 2006.
  3. Schapiro NA. "Dude, you don't have Tourette's": Tourette's syndrome, beyond the tics. Pediatr Nurs. 2002 May-Jun;28(3):243-6, 249-53. PMID 12087644