Copper (color)

This article is about the color. For other uses, see Copper (disambiguation).

Copper is a reddish brown color that resembles the metal copper.


Crystallized copper metal is copper colored.
    Color coordinates
Hex triplet #B87333
sRGBB  (r, g, b) (184, 115, 51)
CMYKH   (c, m, y, k) (0, 32, 72, 28)
HSV       (h, s, v) (29°, 72%, 72%)
Source /Maerz and Paul[1]
B: Normalized to [0–255] (byte)
H: Normalized to [0–100] (hundred)

The first recorded use of copper as a color name in English was in 1594.[2]

Variations of copper

Pale copper

Copper (Crayola)
    Color coordinates
Hex triplet #DA8A67
sRGBB  (r, g, b) (218, 138, 103)
CMYKH   (c, m, y, k) (15, 53, 62, 51)
HSV       (h, s, v) (18°, 53%, 85%)
Source Crayola
B: Normalized to [0–255] (byte)
H: Normalized to [0–100] (hundred)

At right is displayed pale tone of copper that is called copper in Crayola crayons. This color was formulated by Crayola in 1903.

Copper red

Copper Red
    Color coordinates
Hex triplet #CB6D51
sRGBB  (r, g, b) (203, 109, 81)
CMYKH   (c, m, y, k) (0, 46, 60, 20)
HSV       (h, s, v) (14°, 60%, 80[3]%)
B: Normalized to [0–255] (byte)
H: Normalized to [0–100] (hundred)

At right is displayed the color copper red.

The first recorded use of copper red as a color name in English was in 1590.[4]

The source of this color is: ISCC-NBS Dictionary of Color Names (1955)--Color Sample of Copper Red (color sample #39)

Copper penny

Copper Penny
    Color coordinates
Hex triplet #AD6F69
sRGBB  (r, g, b) (173, 111, 105)
CMYKH   (c, m, y, k) (0, 36, 39, 32)
HSV       (h, s, v) (5°, 39%, 68[5]%)
Source Crayola
B: Normalized to [0–255] (byte)
H: Normalized to [0–100] (hundred)

At right is displayed the color copper penny.

Copper penny is one of the colors in the special set of metallic Crayola crayons called Silver Swirls, the colors of which were formulated by Crayola in 1990.

Copper rose

Copper rose
    Color coordinates
Hex triplet #996666
sRGBB  (r, g, b) (153, 102, 102)
CMYKH   (c, m, y, k) (0, 33, 33, 40)
HSV       (h, s, v) (0°, 33.3%, 60%)
B: Normalized to [0–255] (byte)
H: Normalized to [0–100] (hundred)

At right is displayed the color copper rose.

The first recorded use of copper rose as a color name in English was in 1928.[6]

Copper in nature



Copper in culture










Role playing games

See also


  1. The color displayed in the color box above matches the color called copper in the 1930 book by Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York:1930 McGraw-Hill; the color copper is displayed on page 31 Plate 4, Color Sample I11.
  2. Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York:1930 McGraw-Hill Page 193; Color Sample of Copper: Page 31 Plate 4 Color Sample I11
  3. Color Conversion Tool set to hex code #CB6D51 (Copper Red):
  4. Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York:1930 McGraw-Hill Page 193
  5. Color Conversion Tool set to hex code #AD6F69 (Copper Penny):
  6. Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York:1930 McGraw-Hill Page 193; Color Sample of Copper Rose: Page 33 Plate 5 Color Sample J5
  7. See: Rand McNally’s World Atlas International Edition Chicago:1944 Rand McNally Map: "Races of Mankind" Pages 278-279--In the explanatory section below the map, the American Indian Race is described as being "copper-colored"
  8. An Interior Ellis Island: Ethnic Diversity and the Peopling of Michigan’s Copper Country, Keweenaw Ethnic Groups. MTU Archives and Copper Country Historical Collection, J. Robert Van Pelt Library, Michigan Technological University.
  9. Prophet, Elizabeth Clare and Prophet, Mark (as compiled by Annice Booth) The Masters and Their Retreats Corwin Springs, Montana:2003 Summit University Press--Padmasambhava Page 259