Coordinating Council of Muslim Organizations

The Coordinating Council of Muslim Organizations was established to serve as a platform of unity and coordination for all Muslim organizations in the greater Washington, DC, area.[1]


Its objectives are to:

  1. Facilitate and coordinate communication and key initiatives for area Muslim organizations;
  2. Educate fellow Americans about Islam as a religion and a way of life, Muslim culture and traditions, and critical issues and challenges facing Muslims;
  3. Provide effective advocacy on critical civil liberties and social justice issues impacting American Muslims; and
  4. Establish and maintain productive collaborative relationships with government, civic, legal, social, and media organizations.[2][3]

Executive committee

Its Executive Committee consists of:

  • Chairman Sr. Asma Hanif - representative of the Muslimat Al-Nisa Jamiyat.[4]
  • Vice Chairman Dr. Daoud Nassimi - representative of ADAMS Center, director of Islamic Society of Afghans.
  • Secretary Br. Shirin El-Koshairi - Chair of Media Relations at ADAMS Center.
  • Treasurer Imam Johari Abdul-Malik - Director of Outreach Program for Dar al-Hijrah Mosque and President of the Muslim Society of Washington, Inc..
  • Assistant Secretary-Treasurer Imam Faizul R. Khan, MS - Imam for the Islamic Society of the Washington Area.
  • Member at Large Dr. Anwar N. Haddam - Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Education for Life operating El-Iman Learning Center.
  • Member at Large Dr. Iqbal Unus - Member of Association of Muslim Scientists and Engineer, Director of the Fairfax Institute[2]

Previous members


  1. Main page
  2. 2.0 2.1
  3. News
  5. Washington Post
  8., second article

External links