Cooper Brown

Cooper Brown is the fictitious columnist-protagonist of a regular column, a spoof,[1] entitled "He's out There" in The Independent newspaper. The columnist presents himself as a highly outspoken American former movie producer, resident in London.[2]

As of mid-August 2008, Cooper Brown was taken to Guantanamo Bay as a prisoner, according to an alleged anonymous phone call from a "fan" of Cooper, and his 28 August column purports to have been written by his upper-class British wife Victoria.[3] No new articles appeared for the two following years. In May 2010 he posted on his Facebook profile, claiming his column would be returning to The Independent.[4]

Brown's column reappeared in The Independent newspaper in January 2011.


  1. according to Jeremy Paxman, The Londoner's Diary, Evening Standard, 25 January 2008, p. A-15.
  2. Cooper Brown bio on The Independent
  3. Victoria Brown: My husband has been kidnapped and sent to prison in Mexico/
  4. Cooper Brown on Facebook/