Contact manager

A contact manager is a software program that enables users to easily store and find contact information, such as names, addresses and telephone numbers. They are contact-centric databases that provide a fully integrated approach to tracking of all information and communication activities linked to contacts. Sophisticated contact managers provide calendar sharing features and allow several people in a company to access the same database.


The original contact management system (CMS) was ACT! 1.0 for DOS in 1987, some beta copies were out prior to this.[1]


A contact management system (CMS) may be chosen because it is thought to provide the following advantages:[2]

Differences from customer relationship management

A contact manager is usually used for instances where the sales interaction model of the organization is a one-to-many interaction model, in which a single sales representative is responsible for multiple roles within a company. Alternatively, a company with a many-to-many interaction model, in which many sales representatives are targeting a single job role, a customer relationship management (CRM) system is preferred.:[2]

See also


  1. Act History Act! CRM#History
  2. 2.0 2.1 Aberdeen Group (January 2009) Automating Success: The Choice Between Contact Management and Customer Relationship Management