Consumer Federation of California

The Consumer Federation of California (CFC) was founded in 1960 as a nonprofit consumer advocacy organization. CFC campaigns for state and federal laws and appears at the California State Legislature in support of consumer-focused regulations. The CFC is led by Executive Director Richard Holober.

Other Staff: Nicole Johnson, Regulatory Attorney, Donald P. Hilla, Senior Attorney, Megan Varvais, Assistant to the Executive Director, Aaron J. Lewis, Legislative Advocate, Brian Taylor, Communications Specialist.

CFC legislative issues have included: protecting consumers' medical privacy and financial privacy, senior issues, enabling patients to sue HMOs for denial of care, holding homebuilders accountable for construction defects, prohibiting manufacturers from keeping secret vital safety information about defective products, removing toxic chemicals from California furniture, enacting cell phone users' rights and fighting to prevent the deregulation of telecommunications in California for VOIP and IP-enabled phones, strengthening food safety laws, and calling on state lawmakers to crack down on for-profit, private colleges that hoodwink students into programs that promise career advancement, yet deliver worthless diplomas and pile on debt that can lead to financial ruin.

CFC provides several services:

Legislative Scorecards

The Consumer Federation of California issues annual Legislative Scorecards that grade State Senators and Assemblymembers on the percentage of pro-consumer votes each lawmaker casts on consumer rights bills that were considered in the legislature in that year's session.

Key CFC Supported Bills in 2013

Senate Bills

SB 52 (Leno, Hill), strengthens transparency provisions relating to campaign disclosure requirements for contributions and advertisements.
SB 383 (Jackson), sponsored by CFC, restores consumer privacy for online purchases; it is a 2-year bill and held for a Senate Floor vote in January 2014.
SB 448 (Leno) proposes office to investigate possible gas price fixing; also investigates illegal activity and recommends ways to reduce volatility of gas prices in California.
SB 556 (Corbett), co-sponsored by CFC, prohibits private contractors with government agencies from appearing to be government employees.

Assembly Bills

AB 25 (Campos) provides social media privacy rights for public sector employees; prohibits employers from requiring applicants or employees to give their email or social media passwords.
AB 127 (Skinner) reduces the use of flame retardant chemicals in building insulation while maintaining fire safety and encouraging healthy business practices.
AB 658 (Calderon) protects privacy for people using mobile medical apps; does not permit vendors providing personal health record services to share confidential medical information.
AB 462 (Stone), co-sponsored by CFC, requires residential care facilities for dependent adults and the elderly to install fire sprinkler systems; unfortunately the bill failed passage.
AB 553 (Medina) co-sponsored by CFC, ensures that seniors understand a reverse mortgage before signing a contract; it is now a 2-year bill.
AB 1291 (Lowenthal), co-sponsored by CFC, requires companies to give users access to personal data the company has on them, and a list of companies with whom the users' personal data was shared; it is now a 2-year bill.

CFC Education Foundation

The CFC publishes educational materials for the public on consumer issues and sponsors the CFC Education Foundation, a 501(C)(3) non-profit that works to serve the public interest.

External links

See also