Constructive function theory

In mathematical analysis, constructive function theory is a field which studies the connection between the smoothness of a function and its degree of approximation.[1][2] It is closely related to approximation theory. The term was coined by Sergei Bernstein.


Let f be a 2π-periodic function. Then f is α-Hölder for some 0 < α < 1 if and only if for every natural n there exists a trigonometric polynomial Pn of degree n such that

 \max_{0 \leq x \leq 2\pi} | f(x) - P_n(x) | \leq \frac{C(f)}{n^\alpha},

where C(f) is a positive number depending on f. The "only if" is due to Dunham Jackson, see Jackson's inequality; the "if" part is due to Sergei Bernstein, see Bernstein's theorem (approximation theory).


  1. "Constructive Theory of Functions".
  2. Telyakovskii, S.A. (2001), "Constructive theory of functions", in Hazewinkel, Michiel, Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Springer, ISBN 978-1-55608-010-4


Natanson, I. P. (1965). Constructive function theory. Vol. II. Approximation in mean. New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co. MR 0196341.
Natanson, I. P. (1965). Constructive function theory. Vol. III. Interpolation and approximation quadratures. New York: Ungar Publishing Co. MR 0196342.