Conservative Republic

Republic of Chile
República de Chile

Flag Coat of arms
Himno Nacional de Chile
Capital Santiago
Languages Spanish
Government Presidential System
 -  1830-1831 José Tomás Ovalle first
 - 1851-1861 Manuel Montt last
 -  Battle of Lircay April 17, 1830
 -  Jose Joaquin Perez September 18, 1861
Currency Chilean peso

In Chilean historiography the Conservative Republic was a period of the history of Chile that extended between 1830[1] and 1861, characterized by the hegemony of the conservative party, whose supporters were called pelucones. After the pelucones defeated the pipiolos in the Battle of Lircay on April 17, 1830, this formally became established in 1831 with the election of general José Joaquín Prieto as president of Chile.


  1. Wood, James (1 January 2008). "Sotomayor Valdés, Ramón (1830–1903)". Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture   via HighBeam Research (subscription required) . Retrieved 2 August 2013.