Consequences (game)

Consequences is an old parlour game in a similar vein to the Surrealist game Exquisite Corpse and Mad Libs.[1]

Each person takes a turn choosing a word or phrase for one of eleven questions, in this order.

  1. Adjective for man
  2. Man's name
  3. Adjective for woman
  4. Woman's name
  5. Where they met
  6. He wore
  7. She wore
  8. He said to her
  9. She said to him
  10. The consequence was… (a description of what happened after)
  11. What the world said

Then the story is read (for example):

Mediocre Joe met transparent Kim at the bowling alley.

Joe wore a seafoam green leisure suit. Kim wore a sandwich board. Joe said to Kim “During the last storm, we had a little party in the mud.” Kim said “She wasn’t that into me.” As a consequence, the band got back together. And the world said “Somehow, I think I saw this coming.

The game is traditionally played by writing the words on paper and folding the paper to hide the previous words before passing it to the next player.

Consequences can also be played in a drawing version where the first player draws the head, passes it unseen (by means of folding) to the second player who draws the body, then on to the third player who draws the legs. The composite person or creature is then revealed to all by unfolding the paper.[2]
