Comparison of IPv6 application support

This is a comparison of popular Internet applications in regard to their support of the IPv6 protocol.


Application Category IPv6 supported? Zone ID supported? Earliest version # with IPv6 support Notes Reference links
AbsoluteTelnet SSH client, Telnet client, SFTP Client Yes No 5.01 Supports SSH, Telnet, and SFTP
Active Directory LDAP server Yes 2008
Apache httpd Web server Yes N/A 2.0.14 "Virtual hosts on IPv6 addresses are broken in versions until 2.0.28"
Apple Mail e-mail client Yes
BIND DNS server Yes N/A
BSD Telnet Console application Yes Yes 1.2? Telnet and telnetd from OpenBSD.
Cerberus FTP Server FTP Server Yes N/A 3.0 Supports RFC 2428 FTP Extensions for IPv6
CUPS Digital printing Yes 1.2
cURL File transfer software Yes Yes
ejabberd XMPP server Yes N/A 0.7 or older Jabber server
ffproxy Proxy server Yes 1.5 Non-caching proxy.
FileZilla FTP, FTPS and SFTP client Yes 3.1.0-beta1
ftp.exe Console application Yes Yes 5.1 (XP) Standard Windows FTP client.
Google Chrome Web browser Yes No Initial Scope identifier support is not working in Chromium (the open-source browser from which Chrome is built) as of 2014-06-10 .
Hiawatha Web server Yes N/A 6.0
IIS Web server Yes N/A 6.0 Versions before 7.0 do not support bandwidth throttling, client IP address restrictions, FTP, or NNTP.
Internet Explorer Web browser Yes Yes 4.01 Versions before 7.0 may not be able to handle numerical addresses. Macintosh versions do not support IPv6. Scope identifier support verified in version 11.0 ; may be present in earlier versions (unverified).
Irssi IRC client Yes 0.7.15
jabberd2 XMPP server Yes N/A 2.0 Jabber server
Java Programming language Yes Yes 1.4.2 Support on Windows XP/2003 was added in Java 1.5.0
Konqueror Web browser Yes Yes 2.2
lighttpd Web server Yes N/A
Linux CIFS VFS SMB/CIFS client Yes 1.49 cifs vfs version 1.48 is part of kernel 2.6.21
Linux NetKit ftp Console application Yes Yes 0.17? Standard Linux FTP client.
Linux NetKit Telnet Console application Yes Yes 0.17? Standard Linux telnet client and server.
MaraDNS DNS server Partial N/A
Microsoft DNS DNS server Yes N/A 5.0 (2000) Windows 2000 DNS can handle AAAA records, but the operating system does not ship with IPv6.
Microsoft Outlook e-mail client Yes 2007
Microsoft SQL Server Database Yes 2005 (9.0) ,
mIRC IRC client Yes 7.1
Mozilla / SeaMonkey Web browser Yes IPv6 is not preferred by default on Mac OS X.
Mozilla Firefox Web browser Yes No 1.5 IPv6 is not preferred by default on Mac OS X in Firefox 1.5 or 2.0, only in 3.0. Firefox is not able to connect to a SOCKS-Proxy with IPv6 and does not support PAC-Scripts what return IPv6.

Scope identifier support was working at one time but is broken in the current version as of 2014-06-10 .

Mozilla Thunderbird e-mail client Yes Version 2.0 & later appears to work with Mac OS X Version 10.4.9.
MPlayer Multimedia player Yes N/A For example in HTTP streaming.
MySQL Database Yes 5.5.3 Disabled by default before 5.6.6.
nginx Web server Yes 0.7.36 Full support implemented in 0.8.22
Nmap Console application Yes Yes 3.10ALPHA1 Zone ID support since version 4.65
Nortel Networks VPN client VPN client ?
Novell eDirectory LDAP server No No
OpenArena Game/FPS Yes 0.8.1 or older
OpenLDAP LDAP server Yes 2.0.0
OpenSSH SSH client/server Yes Yes
OpenTTD Game/simulation Yes 1.0.0
OpenVPN VPN client Yes 2.3 Partial support starting with version 2.0.
Opera Web browser Yes No 7.20b IPv6 support on Macintosh was added in Opera 9.0
Oracle Database Yes 11gR1
Outlook Express e-mail client No N/A Windows Mail on the Windows Vista platform has IPv6 support.
Pidgin Instant messenger Yes 2.0 (GAIM had support in older builds) IPv6 is enabled on Linux builds, but not on Win32 builds.
PokerTH Game/Card/Holdem Yes 0.6.2
Polipo Proxy server Yes No 0.8 Can be used for proxying between IPv4 and IPv6
PostgreSQL Database Yes 7.4 (8.1 on Windows) IPv6 broken in AIX version
Privoxy Proxy server Yes 3.0.13 beta
PuTTY SSH client Yes Yes 0.58 Fully functional (also Zone ID's) from 0.59
Quagga Routing software Yes N/A OSPFv3 area support is incomplete.
rsync differential file synchronizer Yes 2.5.0 native IPv6 support since 2.5.0, but hosts allow/deny in rsync.conf didn't work until 2.5.6.
rTorrent BitTorrent client No
RusHub Direct Connect server Yes 2.3.3
Safari Web browser Yes No
Samba SMB/CIFS client/server Yes 3.2.0
Simple DNS Plus DNS server Yes N/A 5.0 (Jan 2008)
Skype VoIP No
SmartFTP FTP and SFTP client Yes
srelay SOCKS server Yes N/A
Squid cache Proxy server Yes 3.1
Teeworlds Game/Side-scroller Yes 0.6.0
telnet.exe Console application Yes Yes 5.1 (XP) Standard Windows telnet client.
The Bat! e-mail client Yes Yes 3.95.01 E-mail client for Windows.
TightVNC VNC Optional Protocol version 3.5 Experimental IPv6 builds were made available in 2004.
tinc VPN client Yes 1.0 Defaults to IPv6; can be set to IPv4-only.
tinydns DNS server Yes N/A 1.05?
Trillian Instant Messenger No No
UDP Speed Test 3 Network Speed Test Tool Yes Yes 3.05 Unicast, Broadcast, Multicast, Anycast.
VLC Multimedia player Yes
UploadFTP FTP, FTPS and SFTP Client Yes 2.0
VMware vSphere Client Systems management client Yes 4.0.0 Performance reports do not support IPv6, but everything else appears to. This was tested using IPv6>IPv4 PT, where the server is on the IPv4 side.
Warzone 2100 Game/RTS Yes 3.1.1 or older
Webmin Web-based remote administration tool Yes 1.530
WeeChat IRC client Yes 0.1.3[1]
Wget File transfer software Yes 1.9? May default to IPv4 transfers: "-6" option used to override.
Winamp Multimedia player Yes 5.34
Windows Live Mail e-mail client Yes Initial
Windows Mail e-mail client Yes Initial
Windows Media Player Multimedia player Yes 9.0?
Windows File and print sharing SMB/CIFS client/server Yes 5.2 (Server 2003) Windows XP 32-bit does not support IPv6 at the SMB/CIFS layer. The protocol is available for other applications ("ipv6 install" pre-SP1; protocol install afterwards).
World of Warcraft Game/MMORPG Yes patch 4.1.0
WWWOFFLE Proxy server Yes No 2.6d
XChat IRC client Yes 1.7.0
xinetd Networking daemon Yes 1.89 Version 2.3.3 or newer recommended to avoid security issues.
µTorrent BitTorrent client Yes 1.8
Transmission BitTorrent client Yes 1.5 No official Windows version.
Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client Yes Yes 2.0 No split tunneling allowed in IPv6. ASA 8.4 software required for full IPv6 mode.
  1. "0.1.3 Changelog". Retrieved March 3, 2011.

See also

External links