Comparison of ADC software

Advanced Direct Connect is a next-generation peer-to-peer file-sharing protocol. This page compares the features of a number of software implementations of the protocol.[1]

Hub software


ADC hub FOSS Software license Active Notes
ADCH++ Yes GPL Yes
DSHub Yes GPL No
FlexHub Yes AGPL Yes
Luadch Yes GPLv2 Yes
Nexthub Yes MIT License No
uhub Yes GPL Yes In Debian[2] and OpenWrt[3]
ErlHub Yes GPL ?
Qhub Yes GPL No
Starlet ADC Hub No Proprietary Yes
Starhub No source code available No
RusHub Yes GPL Yes
ADC hub FOSS Software license Active


Operating system support

ADC hub Windows Linux OS X Other
ADCH++ Yes Yes No No
ADCH++ GUI Yes Yes No Any Python enabled platform
DSHub Yes Yes Yes Any Java enabled platform
FlexHub Yes Yes No No
Luadch Yes Yes Yes Raspberry Pi, Synology NAS, any GCC enabled platform
Nexthub Yes ? No Any C# enabled platform
uhub Yes Yes Yes BSD, Haiku, OpenWrt, Solaris
Erlhub Yes Yes Yes Any Erlang enabled platform
Qhub ? ? ? ?
Starlet ADC Hub No No No OpenVMS
Starhub Yes Yes Yes Any Java enabled platform
RusHub Yes Yes Yes FreeBSD, Solaris
ADC hub Windows Linux OS X Other


Interface and programming

Programming language
Based on
ADCH++ No Yes ? C++, Lua, Python, Ruby
ADCH++ GUI Yes No ? C++, Python ADCH++
DSHub Yes Yes ? Java, Python
FlexHub Planned Yes ? Lua
Luadch No Yes ? C++, Lua
Luadch GUI Yes No ? wxLua
Nexthub Yes No No C-Sharp
uhub No Yes ? C
Erlhub ? ? ? Erlang
Qhub ? ? ? ?
Starlet ADC Hub No Yes No C
StarHub Yes ? ? Java
RusHub No Yes No C++
ADC hub GUI CLI Other Programming language Based on



ADC hub Encryption IPv6 Plugin Hash algorithms Bloom filter ADC support Other
ADCH++ Yes Yes Lua, Python, Ruby Tiger tree hash Yes TIGR, PING, ADCS
ADCH++ GUI Yes No Python Tiger tree hash Yes TIGR, PING, ADCS
DSHub Yes No Java, Python Tiger tree hash No TIGR, PING, ADCS
FLexHub Linux only No No Tiger tree hash No TIGR, PING, ADCS
Luadch Yes No Lua Tiger tree hash No TIGR, PING, ADCS, KEYP, ASCH, SUDP
Nexthub Yes No C# Tiger tree hash No TIGR, ADCS
uhub Yes Yes C Tiger tree hash No TIGR, PING, ADCS
Qhub ? ? ? Tiger tree hash No TIGR
Starlet ADC Hub No No No Tiger tree hash No TIGR
Starhub ? ? ? Tiger tree hash No TIGR
RusHub No ? No Tiger tree hash No TIGR
ADC hub Encryption IPv6 Plugin Hash algorithms Bloom filter ADC support Other


Client software


ADC client FOSS Software license Active
AirDC++ Yes GNU GPL Yes
AirDC++ nano Yes GNU GPL Yes
ApexDC++ Yes GNU GPL Yes
DC++ Yes GNU GPL Yes
jucy Yes BSD Yes
LinuxDC++ Yes GNU GPL Yes
EiskaltDC++ Yes GNU GPL Yes
FlylinkDC++ Yes GNU GPL Yes
StrongDC++ Yes GNU GPL No
RevConnect Yes GNU GPL No
ncdc Yes MIT Yes
ADC client FOSS Software license Active

Operating system support

ADC client Windows Linux OS X BSD Haiku
AirDC++ Yes No No No No
AirDC++ nano No Yes Yes ? ?
ApexDC++ Yes No No No No
DC++ Yes No No No No
jucy Yes Yes Yes No No
LinuxDC++ No Yes No Yes No
EiskaltDC++ Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
FlylinkDC++ Yes No No No No
RSX++ Yes No No No No
TKDC++ Yes No No No No
StrongDC++ Yes No No No No
ncdc No Yes Yes Yes ?
ADC client Windows Linux OS X BSD Haiku


Interface and programming

ADC client GUI CLI WebUI Programming language Based on
AirDC++ Yes No No C++ StrongDC++
AirDC++ nano No Yes No C++ AirDC++,nanodc
ApexDC++ Yes No No C++, Lua StrongDC++
DC++ Yes No No C++
Jucy Yes No No Java
LinuxDC++ Yes No No C++ DC++
EiskaltDC++ Yes Yes Yes C++, Lua DC++
FlylinkDC++ Yes No Yes C++ StrongDC++, DC++, ApexDC speed mode
RSX++ Yes No No C++, Lua StrongDC++
TKDC++ Yes No No C++, Lua StrongDC++, DC++
StrongDC++ Yes No No C++ DC++
ncdc No Yes No C
ADC client GUI CLI WebUI Programming language Based on



ADC client Magnet URI UPnP NAT traversal DHT Encryption IPv6 Plugin Proxy Hash algorithms Protocol support NMDC compatible Other
AirDC++ Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Tiger tree hash TIGR, ADCS, UCMD,NATT, SEGA, PFSR, KEYP, PBD1, UBN1, MCN1, BLOM, SUDP, FO, QP, HBRI, ASCH Yes
AirDC++ nano No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Tiger tree hash Inherits from AirDC++ Yes
ApexDC++ Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No C++, Lua Yes Tiger tree hash Inherits from StrongDC++ Yes
DC++ Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes C++, Lua Yes Tiger tree hash TIGR, ADCS, UCMD, BLOM, NATT, SEGA Yes
jucy Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Eclipse RCP Yes Tiger tree hash TIGR, ADCS, KEYP, SUDP, BLOM, UCMD Yes
LinuxDC++ Yes Yes No No Yes No No Yes Tiger tree hash Inherits from DC++ Yes
EiskaltDC++ Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Lua, QtScript, QML Yes Tiger tree hash TIGR, ADCS, UCMD, BLOM, NATT, SEGA, PFSR, KEYP, FS Yes
FlylinkDC++ Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Tiger tree hash Inherits from StrongDC++ Yes
RSX++ Yes Yes No Yes Yes No C++, Lua Yes Tiger tree hash Inherits from StrongDC++ Yes
TKDC++ Yes Yes Yes No Yes No C++, Lua Yes Tiger tree hash TIGR, ADCS, UCMD, BLOM, NATT, PFSR, SEGA Yes
StrongDC++ Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Tiger tree hash TIGR, ADCS, UCMD, BLOM, NATT, PFSR, QP, SEGA Yes
ncdc No No No No Yes Yes No No Tiger tree hash TIGR, ADCS, KEYP, SUDP Yes
ADC client Magnet URI UPnP NAT traversal DHT Encryption IPv6 Plugin Proxy Hash algorithms Protocol support NMDC compatible Other


Other software


Other software Software type FOSS Software license Active
ADCCore General library Yes GNU GPL Yes
DCBouncer Relay Yes GNU GPL Yes
DC-Hublink Hub linker Yes GNU GPL No
DCWatch Hub operator helper Yes GNU GPL No
Embla General library Yes GNU GPL ?
FlowLib General library Yes GNU GPL Yes
NetChatLink Hub linker Yes GNU GPL Yes
Announcer Bot Announce new Releases Yes GNU GPLv2 Yes
Certmanager Manage SSL Certificates Yes GNU GPLv2 Yes
SerieBot SerieBot Yes GNU GPL Yes
Other software Software type FOSS Software license Active


Operating system support

Other software Windows Linux OS X Other
ADCCore Yes ? ? Any .NET4 enabled platform
DCBouncer Yes Yes No No
DC-Hublink Yes No No No
DCWatch Yes Yes No No
Embla Yes Yes Yes Any Java enabled platform
FlowLib Yes Yes Yes Any C# enabled platform
NetChatLink Yes No No Runs under Wine
Announcer Bot Yes No No No
Certmanager Yes No No No
SerieBot Yes Yes Yes Any C# enabled platform
Other software Windows Linux OS X Other


Interface and programming

Other software GUI CLI Other Programming language Based on
ADCCore No No No C# CoreDC
DCBouncer No Yes No C++
DC-Hublink Yes No No Visual Basic
DCWatch No Yes No Java, Lua Embla
Embla No No No Java
FlowLib No No No C#
NetChatLink Yes No No Object Pascal (Delphi)
Announcer Bot No No No Lua
Certmanager Yes No No wxLua
ADC hub GUI CLI Other Programming language Based on


Other software Encryption IPv6 Plugin, extendable Hash algorithms ADC support Other
ADCCore Yes ? Yes Tiger tree hash TIGR, ADCS
DCBouncer Yes No No Tiger tree hash Any clients, hubs
DC-Hublink No No No Tiger tree hash TIGR
DCWatch Yes ? Java, Lua Tiger tree hash TIGR, ADCS
Embla Yes ? Yes Tiger tree hash TIGR
FlowLib Yes ? Yes Tiger tree hash TIGR
NetChatLink No No No Tiger tree hash TIGR
Announcer Bot Yes No No ADCS, OSNR only Luadch supports OSNR
Other software Encryption IPv6 Plugin, extendable Hash algorithms ADC support Other

