Companies featured in The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin

During the course of the BBC sitcom The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin and its spin-offs, various fictitious companies make an appearance in which Reggie either works or operates. They are:

Sunshine Desserts

Sunshine Desserts was the company for which Reginald Perrin worked in British sitcom The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin.

Managed by "CJ", the company was in a financial nosedive which reflected Perrin's own psychological deterioration, and went bankrupt not long after Perrin's departure.

The building used for the exterior shots of Sunshine Desserts is in Telford Way near North Acton, West London. The company name in large letters was placed above the entrance, with some letters removed for comic effect, with the increase in missing letters giving an indication of the company's declining fortunes.

After Perrin's faked suicide, he eventually returns to the company in the guise of Martin Wellbourne, to run the Reginald Perrin Memorial Foundation (with the task of making employees happier). After CJ discovers his true identity, Elizabeth Perrin briefly and secretly takes a job at the company too.

The company makes a guest appearance as an in-joke in the first episode of the 2009 revival, Reggie Perrin.


Grot was the fictional company founded by Reginald Perrin in series 2.

A last gesture of defiance at the world, Perrin envisaged Grot as a company selling items that were deliberately useless - machines which did nothing, soluble umbrellas, games without instructions and the like. Unexpectedly, the stores became a great success, so in an attempt to sabotage them, Perrin hired many of the former staff of the now-bankrupt company for which he had worked, Sunshine Desserts.

The building used in filming as the HQ of Grot was the central office of the National Communications Union (NCU)


Perrin's was the name of a commune owned and operated by Reginald Perrin. The idea of this business venture was that Reggie would give help to people who found themselves under enormous stress, just as he himself had in series 1. Once again, he hired his former colleagues from Sunshine Desserts and Grot to help run the business. However the business whilst initially proving a success didn't work out and ultimately closed down.

Amalgamated Aerosols

The final company in which we see the "original" Reggie work. After the fall of Perrin's, CJ and his brother FJ (both played by John Barron) offer Reggie a job. The numerous parallels to Sunshine Desserts (including new "yes men" much like Tony and David) lead to Reggie's ambiguous final scene, in which he asks his new secretary for train times to the Dorset coast, heavily implying another fake suicide will take place.


Not a company, but an organisation set up by Reggie's friends and family in The Legacy of Reginald Perrin novel and TV series, in an attempt to fulfil Reggie's wish that they do something totally pointless in his memory. It stands for Bloodless Revolution Of Senior Citizens and the Occupationally Rejected and seeks better treatment for the retired and unemployed.


Groomtech was the company that Reggie Perrin worked for in the revival series Reggie Perrin. When the realisation dawns on him that he has worked there for 10 years, Reggie's sanity begins to crumble. His colleagues there reflect the original Reggie's colleagues including his boss Chris Jackson and his attractive colleague Jasmine Strauss. It features characters who clearly match those of Sunshine Desserts, and some original characters.

External Links

Official Reginald Perrin web site