Communist Party of Pridnestrovie

Not to be confused with Pridnestrovie Communist Party.
Communist Party of Pridnestrovie
Партидул Комунист
дин Приднестровье
Leader Vladimir Gavrilchenko
Founded 1991
Headquarters Tiraspol, Transnistria
Ideology Communism
Political position Far-left
Continental affiliation Communist Party of the Soviet Union
Colours Red, Green (Colours of the Flag of Transnistria)

The Communist Party of Pridnestrovie (Moldovan: Партидул Комунист дин Приднестровье), "PCP", "KPP" was a communist party in Transnistria. Its leader was Vladimir Gavrilchenko. It was seen as a "conservative" communist party, in contrast to the Pridnestrovie Communist Party (PKP).

The Communist Party of Pridnestrovie maintains close contacts with groups in Russia. It is affiliated to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union led by Oleg Shenin, and it usually refers to itself by the initials "KPP-KPSS".

It had no representation in Transnistrian Supreme Soviet.

It supported independent statehood for Transnistria and opposed the administration of President Igor Smirnov.

It had no candidate for the December 10, 2006 presidential election but supported Nadezhda Bondarenko, the candidate of the competing Pridnestrovie Communist Party, who obtained 8.1% of the vote.

During the presidential elections of 2011 Vladimir Gavrilchenko did not run for president himself, instead announcing his supported to Igor Smirnov. He also entered the pro-presidential People's Union which consolidated 20 different public organizations and civic unions. After results of the first round were announced on 12 December 2011 and it became obvious that acting president Igor Smirnov lost the elections, Vladimir Gavrilchenko with other supporters appeared on the special meeting of the People's Union and called to nullify the results of the elections, to change the composition of the Central Elections Commission and to introduce state of emergency in Transnistria in order to give Smirnov ability to remain in power.[1][2] This action, nevertheless, had no results as Igor Smirnov decided to step down peacefully. On 11 March 2013 Vladimir Gavrilchenko died in age of 63 y.o.[3] After his death Communist Party of Pridnestrovie collapsed with the majority of its members joining Pridnestrovie Communist Party of Oleg Khorzhan. The position of chairman of the Communist Party of Pridnestrovie remains vacant as on August 2013 and it is not clear if the party will continue to exist.


  1. Special Congress of the People's Union. Vladimir Gavrilchenko's address is from 06:10
  2. Smirnov wants to introduce state of emergency in Pridnestrovie
  3. Pridnestrovie gives last respect to Vladimir Gavrilchenko - Article of the New Region News Agency