Committee for Social Development

This article is part of a series on the
politics and government of
Northern Ireland

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The Committee for Social Development is a Northern Ireland Assembly committee established to advise, assist and scrutinise the work of the Department for Social Development and Minister for Social Development (currently Nelson McCausland). The committee also plays a key role in the consultation, consideration and development of new social development legislation.[1]


Party Member
Alliance Anna Lo
DUP David Simpson (Chairperson)
DUP Jonathan Craig
DUP David Hilditch (Deputy Chairperson)
DUP Michelle McIlveen
Sinn Féin Mickey Brady
Sinn Féin Fra McCann
Sinn Féin Carál Ní Chuilín
SDLP Thomas Burns
SDLP Alban Maginness
UUP Billy Armstrong


  1. Social Development Committee -, URL accessed 25 November 2008.

See also

External links