Comenius University, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics

Building of the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics

The Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics (In Slovak: Fakulta matematiky, fyziky a informatiky, colloquially referred to as Matfyz) is one of the faculties of the Comenius University in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia.

The Faculty was created in 1980 by separating from the Faculty of Natural Sciences, having the name Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (Matematicko-fyzikálna fakulta). It was renamed to contemporary name in 2000.

It provides university education in mathematics, physics and informatics (Computer Science) as well as teacher training in subjects related to these branches of study.

As a rule, in each of the mathematics, physics and computer science branches the first and the second year are common and from the third year students can choose different specializations.

After five years of study the students can attain the Master of Science degree. There is also a bachelor branch of study.


The main specializations offered in mathematics are:

The students of mathematics can choose in addition to their main specialization minor one, for example Econometry and Control, Actuarial Mathematics or Computer Science for Mathematicians.

Students of mathematics can decide also for 2 special branches differing since the first year of study:

Panorama of the Pavilion of Mathematics and Informatics (July 2008)


Physics offers the following specializations:

Students of Physics can also follow 2 special branches since the first year of study:

Computer science

The study of Computer Science offers specializations in two principal areas:

Teacher training

Teacher training forms a separate group of study. The students can choose a combination of 2 subjects from the following list: Mathematics and Physics, Mathematics and Informatics, Mathematics and Descriptive Geometry, Mathematics and Physical Education, Physics and Informatics, Physics and English, Physics and Electronics. Physical Education instruction is provided by the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports and English is provided by the Faculty of Arts. Special teacher training is also offered for those graduates of FMPI following a non-teaching course of study who are interested in gaining the Teacher Certificates for secondary schools.

Bachelor study

After the first year in all basic branches, the students can choose the corresponding bachelor branche of study. Single specializations of bachelor study are: Mathematical Methods in Economy, Experimental Methods of Physics and Software Development. These branches enable to attain the Bachelor of Science degree after 3 years of study.


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Coordinates: 48°09′09″N 17°04′13″E / 48.1524°N 17.0703°E