Colorado Amendment 38

Amendment 38 was a measure on the 2006 ballot in Colorado. If passed, it would have amended the Colorado Constitution. It would have extend the petition process to all levels of state government to expand citizens' ability to propose changes to state laws and local ordinances or resolutions.

Amendment 38 would have made the process of getting an initiative on to a state or local ballot significantly easier. It would have expanded the ability of citizens to propose new laws, and limits government’s ability to change or repeal measures that voters have decided.

Ballot measure proponents would have been able to write their own descriptions of the measure for the state’s Blue Book of ballot measure information. Currently the nonpartisan Legislative Council staff writes these descriptions.

Under Amendment 38, any elected official or government employee who makes a public statement regarding any ballot measure would be subject to fines of $3,000 or more.


Amendment 38 failed to pass 69.21% to 30.79%.

See also

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