Colin Urquhart

Pastor Colin Urquhart

Colin Urquhart (born in 1940 in Twickenham, England, UK)[1] is a Christian, evangelical, apostolic[2] and neocharismatic leader in the United Kingdom.

He was involved in the Charismatic Renewal movement in the 1960s and 1970s. He was the incumbent (vicar) of the parish church of St Hugh, Lewsey Luton, Bedfordshire at the time, and during a period of four years immense changes took place there.

In 1974 he wrote a book about these experiences, called When the Spirit Comes,[3] one of a number of books he authored during the 1970s. At the start of 1976, having resigned as the incumbent of St Hugh's, he and his family plus two parishioners moved to a house owned by Fountain Trust (an international trust involved in Christian renewal) in East Molesey, Surrey. From this base he began an itinerant ministry travelling nationally and internationally, with his living costs arising solely from donations (living on faith).

By the early 1980s he was becoming more widely known internationally as a writer, and as a speaker at Charismatic conferences, rallies, and conventions. At the time of writing (early 2012) he is still involved with Kingdom Faith Ministries based in Sussex, England after being a leader of this organisation for many years. In the eighties he spoke at some of the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International Conventions in Mumbai, India, based on the theme, "Go in my name" and "If my people" in India.

Some people present at the meetings claim to have seen supernatural healings or to have been healed themselves.

Colin's son, Clive Urquhart now leads Kingdom Faith church with his wife Jane. Colin's daughter, Claire Morton now leads World Harvest Bible Church in Greater Manchester, Lancashire with her husband Alan.



  1. AAH All About Horsham Magazine, Colin Urquhart: A Man of God
  2. William K Kay Apostolic Networks in Britain: New Ways of Being Church (Milton Keynes: Paternoster, 2007)
  3. Urquhart, Colin. When the Spirit Comes London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1974. ISBN 0-340-19238-0

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