
Cogitosus (fl. c. 650) was an Irish monk and writer. Cogitosus was a monk of Kildare who wrote the oldest extant vita of Saint Brigit, Vita Sanctae Brigidae, around 650.[1] There is a controversy as to whether he was related to Saint Brigit.[2]

There are at least two contemporary English translations of Cogitosus's Life of St Brigid: one by Connolly and Picard in 1987[3] and another in 1993 by Liam da Paor.[4]

See also


  1. Bitel, Lisa M (2002). Textual Practice Summer 2002, Vol. 16 Issue 2. Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost). P. 211.
  2.  "Cogitosus". Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. 1913.
  3. The Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, 1987, Vol. 117, p. 5 ff., Cogitosus's Life of St Brigit: Content and Value (commentary by Sean Connolly) followed on page 11 ff. by 'Cogitosus's Life of St Brigit' translated by S. Connolly and J.-M. Picard, accessed 13 February 2012
  4. St Patrick's World, Liam de Paor, Four Courts Press, Dublin, 1993 - chapter 33, Cogitosus's Life of St Brigid the Virgin, accessed 13 February 2012