
Coenonympha (gardetta) darwiniana imago
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Lepidoptera
Family: Nymphalidae
Tribe: Satyrini
Subtribe: Coenonymphina
Genus: Coenonympha
Hübner, 1819
Coenonympha Species

Numerous, see text.

Coenonympha is a butterfly genus. It belongs to the Coenonymphina, a subtribe of the "browns" (Satyrinae). The latter are a subfamily of the brush-footed butterflies (Nymphalidae). As a rule, Palearctic species are colloquially called "heaths", while Nearctic ones are called "ringlets". Neither term is limited to members of this genus, however.

Selected species

Listed alphabetically.[1]

  • Coenonympha amaryllis Stoll, 1782
  • Coenonympha ampelos Edwards, 1871 Northwest Ringlet
  • Coenonympha arcania Pearly Heath
  • Coenonympha arcanioides Pierret, 1837 Moroccan Pearly Heath
  • Coenonympha caeca Staudinger, 1886
  • Coenonympha california Westwood, 1851 California Ringlet
  • Coenonympha corinna Corsican Heath
  • Coenonympha darwiniana Staudinger, 1871 (sometimes in C. gardetta, or C. arcania × C. gardetta)
    • Coenonympha (darwiniana) macromma Turati & Verity 1910
  • Coenonympha × decolorata Wagner, 1913 (= C. mahometana × C. sunbecca)
  • Coenonympha dorus Dusky Heath
  • Coenonympha fettigii Oberthür, 1874
  • Coenonympha gardetta Alpine Heath
  • Coenonympha glycerion Chestnut Heath
  • Coenonympha haydenii Edwards, 1872 Hayden's Ringlet, Wyoming Ringlet, Yellowstone Ringlet
  • Coenonympha hero Scarce Heath
  • Coenonympha inornata Edwards, 1861 Prairie Ringlet
  • Coenonympha iphioides Staudinger, 1870 Spanish Heath
  • Coenonympha kodiak Edwards, 1869 Kodiak Ringlet

  • Coenonympha leander Esper, 1784 Russian Heath
  • Coenonympha mahometana
  • Coenonympha mangeri Bang Haas, 1927
  • Coenonympha mongolica Alphéraky, 1881
  • Coenonympha nolckeni
  • Coenonympha ochracea Edwards, 1861 Ocher Ringlet
  • Coenonympha oedippus False Ringlet
  • Coenonympha pamphilus Small Heath
  • Coenonympha pavonina Alphéraky, 1888
  • Coenonympha rhodopensis Eastern Large Heath
  • Coenonympha saadi Kollar, 1849
  • Coenonympha semenovi Alphéraky, 1887
  • Coenonympha sinica Alphéraky, 1888
  • Coenonympha sunbecca Eversmann, 1843
  • Coenonympha symphita Lederer, 1870
  • Coenonympha thyrsis Freyer, 1845
  • Coenonympha tullia Large Heath, Common Ringlet
  • Coenonympha tydeus Leech, 1892
  • Coenonympha vaucheri Blachier, 1905 Vaucher's Heath
  • Coenonympha xinjiangensis Chou & Huang, 1994



  1. See references in Savela (2008)


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