Cocoa Sharp

The correct title of this article is Cocoa#. The substitution or omission of the # is because of technical restrictions.

Cocoa# (CocoaSharp) is a bridge framework on Mac OS X to allow applications developed with the Mono runtime to access the Cocoa API. It provides direct access to the Cocoa API using a dot notation familiar to languages working on the Mono runtime such as C#.[1] Cocoa# is currently being included in the Mono distribution for Mac OS X.[2]

It has not seen any development since 2008 and is considered deprecated.[3]


Some significant releases were the initial release of 0.1 on August 12, 2004,[4] and release 1.0.6 released on February 18, 2005 where the Cocoa# libraries were functional enough to include in the Mono distribution.[5]

See also


External links