Coalition Military Assistance Training Team

The Coalition Military Assistance Training Team (CMATT) was a section of the Multi-National Security Transition Command - Iraq (MNSTC-I) that was responsible for organizing, training and equipping of the Iraqi Army. CMATT had plans to stand up nine infantry brigades in three divisions, a coastal defense force, and lay the framework of an aviation arm of the military.

Among CMATT's goals were developing a force that was:

Additionally, CMATT advisors developed and stood up a number of military "school houses" dedicated to Infantry, logistics, administration, medical services, signal, and military police.


It has now since been dissolved and has passed on the responsibility of training the Iraqi Security Forces to the Multi-National Security Transition Command - Iraq. This is due to their strategy of developing US style mechanized divisions to defend the country from invasion from its surrounding neighbors invaders rather than developing the necessary security forces to protect the Iraqi population from criminals and insurgents.

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