
Co-marketing: Commensal (symbiotic) marketing is a marketing on which both corporation and a corporation, a corporation and a consumer, country and a country, human and nature can live. The 7Cs Compass Model[1][2][3][4] by Koichi Shimizu is a framework of Co-marketing (Commensal marketing or Symbiotic marketing). Also the collaborative marketing of a company and a company, the Co-creative marketing of a company and consumers are contained in the co-marketing.

7Cs Compass Model

The four elements of the 7Cs Compass Model

The compass of consumers and Circumstances (environment) are:

The factors related to consumers can be explained by the first character of four directions marked on the compass model:

In addition to the consumer, there are various uncontrollable external environmental factors encircling the companies. Here it can also be explained by the first character of the four directions marked on the compass model:

Collaborative marketing

Co-marketing (Collaborate marketing) is a marketing practice where two companies cooperate with separate distribution channels, sometimes including profit sharing. It is frequently confused with co-promotion.

Cross-marketing describes the practice where two individual entities companies exchange marketing channels for mutual benefit. No new product, service or brand is created here.


Co-marketing describes the practice where two individual entities companies create and jointly develop a new product, service or brand (and normally jointly promote it).

Co-marketing has of recent become very prominent in the entertainment industry. This typically means partnerships between brands and entertainment properties such as television shows, films, and music acts.


Co-creative marketing

The co-creation of a company and consumers are contained in the co-marketing.

See also


  1. Koichi Shimizu (1989) "Advertising Theory and Strategies,"first edition, Souseisha Book Company. (Japanese)
  2. Koichi Shimizu (2014) "Advertising Theory and Strategies,"18th edition, Souseisha Book Company. (Japanese)
  3. Brian Solis(2011) Engage!: The Complete Guide for Brands and Businesses to Build, Cultivate, and Measure Success in the New Web, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. pp.201-202.
  4. Koichi Shimizu (2003)"Symbiotic Marketing Strategy,"4th edition, Souseisha Book Company.(Japanese)

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