Clearing factor

In centrifugation the clearing factor or k factor represents the relative pelleting efficiency of a given centrifuge rotor at maximum rotation speed. It can be used to estimate the time t (in hours) required for sedimentation of a fraction with a known sedimentation coefficient s (in svedbergs):

t = \frac{k}{s}

The value of the clearing factor depends on the maximum angular velocity \omega of a centrifuge (in rad/s) and the minimum and maximum radius r of the rotor:

k = \frac{\ln(r_{\rm{max}} / r_{\rm{min}})}{\omega^2} \times \frac{10^{-13}}{3600}

As the rotational speed of a centrifuge is usually specified in RPM, the following formula is often used for convenience:[1]

k = \frac{2.53 \cdot 10^5 \times \ln(r_{\rm{max}} / r_{\rm{min}})}{(\rm{RPM}/1000)^2}

Centrifuge manufacturers usually specify the minimum, maximum and average radius of a rotor, as well as the k factor of a centrifuge-rotor combination.

For runs with a rotational speed lower than the maximum rotor-speed, the k factor has to be adjusted:

k_{\rm{adj}} = k \left( \frac{\mbox{maximum rotor-speed}}{\mbox{actual rotor-speed}} \right)2

The K-factor is related to the sedimentation coefficient S by the formula:

T = \frac{K}{S}

Where T is the time to pellet a certain particle in hours. Since S is a constant for a certain particle, this relationship can be used to interconvert between different rotors.

 \frac{T_1}{K_1} = \frac{T_2}{K_2}

Where T_1 is the time to pellet in one rotor, and K_1 is the K-factor of that rotor. K_2 is the K-factor of the other rotor, and T_2, the time to pellet in the other rotor, can be calculated. In this manner, one does not need access to the exact rotor cited in a protocol, as long as the K-factor can be calculated. Many online calculators are available to perform the calculations for common rotors.


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