Clean Sky

Clean Sky Joint Undertaking is the largest aeronautical research programme ever launched in Europe for the development of breakthrough technologies integrated to significantly increase the environmental performances of aeroplanes and air transport, resulting in quieter and more fuel efficient aircraft, hence bringing a key contribution in achieving the Single European Sky environmental objectives.

The objectives of this programme are, by 2020, to reduce:


Clean Sky mission is to progress breakthrough technologies and refined aerodynamic techniques to the testing and implementation stages for project realisation and handover into production.

The Clean Sky JTI (Joint Technology Initiative) was born in 2008 and represents a unique Public-Private Partnership between the European Commission and the industry. It is managed by the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking (CSJU) until 31 December 2017.

The CSJU will deliver demonstrators in all segments of civil air transport, grouped into six technological areas called 'Integrated Technology Demonstrators' (ITD).

Funding and budget

Clean Sky has an overall budget of € 1.6 billion, contributed to on a 50/50 basis by the European Commission (in cash) and the aeronautical industry (in-kind contribution).[1] ITD Leaders commit up to 50%, Associates members up to 25% and Partners (through Call for Proposals) a minimum of 25%.


Clean Sky was created in 2008 by the European Union and 12 industry leaders that commit financially for the entire duration of the CSJU:


Clean Sky is made up of 6 Integrated Technology Demonstrators.


Real life demonstrations are essential components of the Programme as they will enable technologies to reach a high level of maturity. This in turn will be essential in order to assess the environmental improvements that are achievable. The following technologies will be demonstrated within the 2013-2016 timeframe:

Clean Sky JU staff

The Clean Sky Joint Undertaking is composed of around 30 staff, the executive director is Eric Dautriat.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Warwick, Graham (20 March 2015). "Clean Sky Prepares For Helo Diesel Flight Tests". Aviation Week & Space Technology. Retrieved 25 March 2015.

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