Clare Grey

Clare Grey, FRS, is a British chemist. She is Geoffrey Moorhouse Gibson Professor at the Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge and the Associate Director of the Northeastern Chemical Energy Storage Center at Stony Brook University. She specialises in applications of nuclear magnetic resonance and in particular using it to study lithium ion batteries.[1][2] She was elected Fellow of the Royal Society in 2011[3] and awarded the Günther Laukien prize in 2013[1] followed by the Davy Medal in 2014 for "further pioneering applications of solid state nuclear magnetic resonance to materials of relevance to energy and the environment."[4]

Biographical Information


  1. 1.0 1.1 ENC Monday Bruker Party, Laukien Prize Awarded To Clare Grey | TheResonance – Bruker's Blog about NMR, EPR and MRI
  2. Improved lithium batteries - Materials Today
  3. "2011 Royal Society fellows".
  4. Holly Else (6 August 2014). "DNA pioneer Jeffreys wins Royal Society award". Times Higher Education Supplement.
  5. "AMPERE Prize 2010".

External links