City of Jericho, Kansas

Jericho, Kansas is a fictional town from the 2006 TV Series Jericho

The cities population is mentioned to be around 5,000 (1,000 in 1957).

The city has one grocery store, owned by Gracie Leigh.

It is approximately 47 miles east of the Kansas/Colorado border (which would put it near the location of Colby, Kansas. However, a map in the series seems to show Jericho near the junctions of I70 and US 83. That would place it near Oakley, KS.

Jericho is 90 miles west of the also fictional Rogue River, Kansas. and around 330 miles from Wichita.

New Bern, Kansas is a neighboring town of Jericho.


Jericho is served by one state highway and the (fictional) Cedar Run Road.
