
Assassin bugs, bed bugs, and allies
Scanning electron microscope image of a lace bug (family Tingidae)
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hemiptera
Suborder: Heteroptera
Infraorder: Cimicomorpha
Leston et al. 1954
SuperFamilies, Families


Cimicomorpha is an infraorder of insects containing bugs. It appears that the rostrum and other morphology of all members is adapted to feeding on animals as their prey or host. Members include bed bugs, bat bugs, assassin bugs, and pirate bugs.

Cimicomorpha is an infraorder of Heteroptera. The two infraorders Cimicomorpha, and Pentatomorpha have very similar characteristics, possibly as a result of the evolution of plant feeding. The key similarity that unites Cimicomorpha and Pentatomorpha is the loss of the arolia (adhesive pads) on the pretarsi of the insect. These two infraorders comprise 90% of Heteroptera species.

These insects are a part of the old, informal classification of “Geocorisae” (land bugs). Among these bugs, parental care has evolved several times. Parental care varies from brooding of the eggs by the female, to a more active form that involves protection of young against predators and the female covering the nymphs under her body.

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