Chronological list of saints in the 2nd century

A list of 2nd-century saints:

NameBirthBirthplaceDeathPlace of deathNotes
Sarbel and Barbe  101 
Phocas  102 Bishop of Sinope
Evaristus Bethlehem, Palestine105Rome, Roman EmpireBishop of Rome
Zachary  106 Bishop of Vienne
Charbel  107 
Eudokia of Heliopolis  107 
Ignatius of Antioch35 107Rome, Roman EmpirePatriarch of Antioch
Rufus and Zosimus  107Rome, Roman Empire
Simeon of Jerusalem Galilee107Jerusalem, Iudaea ProvincePatriarch of Jerusalem
Hyacinth  108Caesarea, Cappadociachamberlain to emperor Trajan
Antiochus of Sulcis  110 
Zosimus  110 
Eleuchadius  112 Bishop of Ravenna
Publius33Malta112Athens, Greecelegendary bishop of Malta
Romulus  112 
Flavius Latinus of Brescia  115 Bishop of Brescia
Quirinus of Neuss  116 
Zacchaeus of Jerusalem  116 Bishop of Jerusalem
Astius  117 Bishop of Dyrrachium
Hermione of Ephesus  117 
Maurus, Pantalemon and Sergius  117Bisceglie, Apulia
Thecla  117 
Eustace  118 
Terentian  118 Bishop of Todi
Pope Alexander I Rome, Roman Empire119Rome, Roman Empire
Secundus of Asti  119 
Seraphia Rome, Roman Empire119Rome, Roman Empire
Getulius and companions Gabii, Roman Empire120Gabii, Roman Empire
Marcian of Tortona  120 
Matthias of Jerusalem  120 Bishop of Jerusalem
Symphorosa and her seven sons  120 
Theodora  120 
Faustinus and Jovita Brescia, Roman Empire121Brescia, Roman Empire
Philetus and companions  121Illyria
Sixtus I Rome, Roman Empire125Rome, Roman EmpireBishop of Rome
Thamel and Companions  125 
Exuperius and Zoe  127 
Sabina Rome, Roman Empire127Rome, Roman Empire
Quadratus of Athens  129 Bishop of Athens
Ariadne of Phrygia  130 
Auspicius  130 Bishop of Trier
Balbina  130Rome, Roman Empire
Calocerus  130 Bishop of Ravenna
Crescentian  130Sardinia
Papias  130SmyrnaBishop of Hierapolis
Theodore and Pausilippus  130Byzantium
Hermes  132Rome, Roman Empire
Juvenal of Benevento Narni, Italy132 
Judas Cyriacus  133 Bishop of Ancona
Ovidius Sicily135 
Herodion of Antioch  136 Bishop of Antioch
Castritian  137Milan, Roman EmpireBishop of Milan
Telesphorus Greece137Rome, Roman EmpireBishop of Rome
Corebus  138 
Eleutherius and Anthia  138 Bishop of Illyria and his mother
Oliva of Brescia  138 
Peregrinus  138 Bishop of Terni
Marina119 139 
Hyginus Athens, Greece140Rome, Roman EmpireBishop of Rome
Julian of Sora Dalmatia150Sora, Campania, Italy
Paternus of Auch Bilbao, Spain150Auch, FranceBishop of Auch
Patiens  150 Bishop of Metz
Philo and Agathopodes  150 
Novatus Rome, Roman Empire151 
Pius I Aquileia, Roman Empire154Rome, Roman EmpireBishop of Rome
Germanicus of Smyrna  155Smyrna
Polycarp69 155SmyrnaBishop of Smyrna
Felicitas of Rome and her seven sons101Rome, Roman Empire165Rome, Roman Empire
Ptolemaeus and Lucius  165Rome, Roman Empire
Justin Martyr100Flavia Neapolis165Rome, Roman Empire
Abercius of Hieropolis  167 Bishop of Hierapolis
Pope Anicetus Emesa, Syria167Rome, Roman EmpireBishop of Rome
Daniel of Padua  168 
Pontianus (Pontian)  169Spoleto, Roman Empire
Constantius of Perugia  170 Bishop of Perugia
Hermias  170Comana, Cappadocia
Severinus, Exuperius, and Felician  170Vienne, Gaul
Thraseas  170SmyrnaBishop of Eumenia, Phrygia
Dionysius  171Corinth, GreeceBishop of Corinth
Apollinaris Claudius  175 Bishop of Hierapolis
Sagar of Laodicea  175 Bishop of Laodicea
Speusippus, Eleusippus, and Melapsippus  175 
Victor and Corona  176 
Alexander  177Lyons, Gaul
Blandina Lyons, Gaul177Lyons, Gaul
Glyceria  177Heraclea, Propontis
Pothinus87 177Lyons, GaulBishop of Lyon
Martyrs of Lyons 177Lyons, Gaul
Pope Soter Fondi, Roman Empire177Rome, Roman EmpireBishop of Rome
Epipodius and Alexander  178 
Concordius Rome, Roman Empire178Spoleto, Roman Empire
Symphorianus  178 
Hegesippus110 180Jerusalem, Palaestina
Herculanils  180Porto, Roman Empire
Leucius  180 Bishop of Brindisi
Melito of Sardis  180 Bishop of Sardis
Philip of Gortyna  180 Bishop of Gortyna
Pinytus  180 Bishop of Cnossus, Crete
Scillitan Martyrs  180Scillium, Africa Province
Theophilus of Antioch  181 Bishop of Antioch
Antoninus  186 
Apollonius the Apologist Rome, Roman Empire186Rome, Roman Empire
Pope Eleuterus Nicopolis, Greece189Rome, Roman EmpireBishop of Rome
Dathus  190 Bishop of Ravenna
Faustus of Milan  190Milan, Roman Empire
Julius of Rome Rome, Roman Empire190Rome, Roman Empire
Dionysius of Vienne  193 Bishop of Vienne
Serapion of Macedonia  195Macedonia
Theophilus of Caesarea  195 Bishop of Caesarea
Victor I Africa Province199Rome, Roman EmpireBishop of Rome
Liberius of Ravenna  200 Bishop of Ravenna
Pantaenus  200 

See also