Christopher Ewart-Biggs Memorial Prize

The Christopher Ewart-Biggs Memorial Prize was created in 1977, in memory of Christopher Ewart-Biggs, British Ambassador to the Republic of Ireland, who was assassinated by the IRA in 1976.

Founded by Jane Ewart-Biggs following the death of her husband, its stated goal is to promote peace and reconciliation in Ireland, a greater understanding between the peoples of Britain and Ireland, or closer co-operation between partners of the European Community.

It is awarded to a book, a play or a piece of journalism that best fulfills this aim, published during a two-year period up to December 31 of the year preceding the year in which the prize is awarded. The value of the prize is £5000.

Past winners

The years of publication/broadcast for which the prize was awarded is given. In earlier years the Prize was identified by the year of award, but the official website now gives year of publication/broadcast.


External links