Choice USA

Choice USA is a reproductive rights non-profit organization in the United States based in Washington, D.C. It is youth-led, with a focus on pro-choice movements.

History and organization

Choice USA was founded in 1992 by Gloria Steinem, an American feminist, activist, and writer. The organization's first projects analyzed the activities of the religious right in elections and promoted electoral participation by women, young people, and people of color.

In 2001, Choice USA laid the groundwork for making a transition to exclusively become a youth-led and focused reproductive rights organization by creating programs that incorporated lessons from research and field experience.

Currently, Choice USA's programs reach young people in every region of the country by supporting youth leaders in creating chapters at college and university campuses.

Mission and values

Choice USA envisions a world where all people have agency over their own bodies and relationships and the power, knowledge and tools to exercise that agency. Choice USA builds this vision by engaging young people in creating and leading the way to sexual and reproductive justice for all by providing training, field mobilization and national leadership for a youth-driven agenda.

The organization is guided by the following principles in order to ensure diversity and inclusion:

Choice USA advocates for these core reproductive and sexual rights and health issues:

Reproductive Justice Organizing Institute

The Reproductive Justice Organizing Institute is a set of trainings and programs developed by Choice USA to develop and support emerging pro-choice leaders.

Campaigns and activities

See also

External links