Chocolate Fever

Chocolate Fever is a juvenile fiction story that was authored by Robert Kimmel Smith. The story was published in 1972.[1]

Plot Summary

Henry loves chocolate so much, he puts it in almost everything he eats: chocolate cake, chocolate cereal, chocolate syrup, chocolate milk, chocolate pies, chocolate cookies, chocolate mashed potatoes, chocolate-sprinkled noodles, chocolate marshmallows, you name it! Still, it comes as a shock when he suddenly finds out on a regular school day that he is covered in huge brown spots.

Dr. Fargo tells him he is he first person ever in history diagnosed with...Chocolate Fever! Henry is scared of Dr. Fargo and rather being poked by doctors, Henry runs away, which leads to a chase. Henry hides in a garage then hangs out at another school, but the boys call him ugly and Henry runs away again.

Later, Henry meets an African named Mac who hands him food but they are unexpectedly hijacked by two men named Lefty and Louie. The criminals wanted a cargo of furs but instead got a cargo of candy. Henry and Mac are locked up.

Henry smells like chocolate, so a group of dogs run to the locked door, and burst through. Mac takes a gun to protect himself and policemen arrive to arrest Louie and Lefty. Mac finally calls Henry's parents and they stop at Sugar Cane's candy company to drop off the cargo of candy. Alfred Cane gives Henry vanilla pills to cure his chocolate fever. Back home, Henry is much less addicted at chocolate, and finds a new love, Cinnamon. He thinks what can go with cinnamon: cinnamon cereal, cinnamon oatmeal, cinnamon cream of wheat, cinnamon ice cream, cinnamon French Fries, cinnamon milk..Henry worries about getting cinnamon fever.

Animated adaptation

On May 18, 1985, an animated adaptation of Chocolate Fever was shown on the CBS Storybreak TV program. This adaptation was also released on video by Playhouse Video.


  1. "Home - RoBERT KIMMEL SMITH". Retrieved 2011-03-22.

External links