Chicago Fringe Festival

Chicago Fringe Festival is an annual performing arts festival showcasing traditional and non-traditional performances. CFF aims to provide a space for artists to produce shows that would not otherwise be seen and a festival that is accessible to everyone. All tickets are $10. All shows are one hour long. All theatres are within walking distance of each other.

Features of the Chicago Fringe Festival

100% Non-Juried The Chicago Fringe is a non-juried event. Rather than being selected by judges, the participants are selected by a series of lotteries: Local, Non-Local and Diverse.

100% Uncensored

100% of Ticket Sales Go Back To The Artists

Mission: The Chicago Fringe Festival (CFF) unites daring theatregoers with emerging and boundary-pushing performing artists from around the world at an annual festival in Chicago. CFF also seeks to engage nontraditional audiences through a commitment to low ticket prices and outreach into artistically underserved communities.


All Fringe Festivals trace their roots to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe which began in 1947.

After producing shows at the New York International Fringe Festival and Minnesota Fringe Festival, Executive Producer Sarah Mikayla Brown (previously Managing Director of Tantalus Theatre Group) wanted to bring that kind of "glorious chaos" to Chicago.[1] Chicago Fringe Festival was founded on December 30, 2008.

The inaugural festival attracted 156 applicants. A total of 46 groups (23 local and 23 non-local) performed in eight non-traditional venues in Pilsen in September, 2010. After three years in Pilsen, CFF moved to Jefferson Park [2] for the 2013 festival.

In its first five festivals, CFF has attracted over 20,000 theatre-goers to Pilsen and Jefferson Park and returned $146,686 to the artists.


  1. "Sarah Mikayla Brown, Chicago Fringe Festival". Chicago Artists Resource. 2010-02-15. Retrieved 2012-01-01.
  2. "Chicago Fringe Festival tries a change in scenery". Chicago Sun-times. 2013-08-25. Retrieved 2013-08-25.

External links


2010 Festival - Inaugural Year

2011 Festival

2012 Festival

2013 Festival

2014 Festival