Chi Ceti

Chi Ceti (X Ceti), is a star located in the constellation Cetus. Chi Ceti is also known as 53 Cet, and HD 11171. Chi Ceti is a binary star system. Chi Ceti B is also known as HD 11131.

Chi Ceti A is an F3III Giant star with an effective temperature of 6200 Kelvin. It has an apparent visual magnitude of +4.85, and an absolute visual magnitude of +2.79. It is located 76.93 light years from the Sun, and has a mass equal to the sun.

Chi Ceti B is a G1V star with an effective temperature of 5800 Kelvin. It has an apparent visual magnitude of +6.74, and an absolute visual magnitude of +4.91. It is located 74.94 light years from the Sun, and has a mass equal to the sun. The star is a BY Draconis Variable. It has a separation of 184 arcsec, and can be easily split in binoculars.

Chi Ceti A is located at Right Ascension 01h 49m 35.10s and Declination -10 deg 41 arcmin 35 arcsec.

Chi Ceti B is located at Right Ascension 01h 49m 23.34s and Declination -10 deg 42 arcmin 12 arcsec.
