Chester Mojay-Sinclare

Chester Mojay-Sinclare is a British entrepreneur. He is the founder of social enterprise Charity Checkout and Spudnik, the not-for-profit educational space project which led to the development of Stardust Ashes, a high altitude ash scattering service.[1][2]


Mojay-Sinclare was born in London and grew up in Ashburton in Devon, England.[3] The entrepreneur claims to have been "a difficult child" who was expelled from primary school at a young age, before moving on to secondary school at South Dartmoor Community College.[4] He went on to read Philosophy at University College London[5] and after graduation became Consultant Entrepreneur at UCL Business Plc. He also represented the UK at the 2011 Global Student Entrepreneurship Awards in New York.[6][7]

Charity Checkout

Charity Checkout is a provider of credit/ debit card and Direct Debit payment processing facilities for charities and not-for-profit organisations.[8] Charity Checkout is a winner of the 2014 Big Venture Challenge competition for social enterprises and aims to enable charities to raise more money online via their own website.[9] The social enterprise was founded by Mojay-Sinclare in 2009 while he was still a student at University College London.[10] Mojay-Sinclare has been occupied full-time by the project since 2012, after he graduated from University College London, one of the original investors in the social enterprise.[11]


Spudnik was a not-for-profit educational project at Landscove Primary School, which involved the launch and retrieval of a potato dressed as Santa Claus into near space.[12][13][14][15] Spudnik was cited as Mojay-Sinclare’s inspiration for the original concept behind Stardust Ashes.[16]

Stardust Ashes

Stardust Ashes is a business founded in 2011 by Mojay-Sinclare following the scattering of his late grandmother's ashes into the atmostphere 20 miles above earth.[17][18] Stardust Ashes provides an environmentally-friendly method of scattering cremation ashes at over 100,000 ft above earth.[19] The business also offers the scattering of pet ashes.[20]


  1. "Young Entrepreneur Bucks The Unemployment Trend". Yorkshire Times.
  2. "Out of this world! Space fan gives late grandmother the ultimate send-off by scattering her ashes in SPACE". The Daily Mail.
  3. "Chester offers the chance to have ashes scattered in space". Western Morning News.
  4. "Interview with Chester Mojay-Sinclare – Founder of Charity Checkout". YHP.
  5. "‘Spudnik’ project helps pupils see into space". UCL.
  6. "UCLB's Consultant Entrepreneur Finishes Top 30 in Global Entrepreneurship Competition". UCL Business.
  7. "UCLB’s Consultant Entrepreneur Launches Charity Checkout". UCL Business.
  8. "Charity Checkout". Charity Checkout.
  9. "Big Venture Challenge – The Winners 2014". UnLtd.
  10. "Young Entrepreneur Bucks The Unemployment Trend". Yorkshire Times.
  11. "Global Banking and Financial Review recently conversed with the youthful British entrepreneur, Chester Mojay-Sinclare, about his most recent and successful endeavor, Charity Checkout". Global Banking and Finance.
  12. "Spudnik: Potato dressed as Santa with a camera attached is sent to edge of space by schoolchildren". The Daily Mail.
  13. "School kids launch potato dressed as Santa into space". The Daily Telegraph.
  14. "Soaring 90,000ft above earth .. a potato dressed as Santa attached to a helium balloon". The Daily Mirror.
  15. "Mashtronaut is launched into space". The Sun.
  16. "Out of this world! Space fan gives late grandmother the ultimate send-off by scattering her ashes in SPACE". The Daily Mail.
  17. "Final resting space: Gran gets cosmic send-off in style". Metro.
  18. "Ashes request is one small step for gran". The Daily Mirror.
  19. "Stardust Ashes". Stardust Ashes.
  20. "Huddersfield man sends mum's ashes into space along with her pets'". The Huddersfield Daily.