Cherry bounce

Cherry Bounce is a liqueur made by infusing brandy with cherries and sugar. Some recipes will use rum, whiskey or vodka instead of brandy.

The English hamlet of Frithsden claims to have originated the Cherry Bounce.[1]

A lane leading off the Old High Street in nearby Hemel Hempstead is named Cherry Bounce and is shown having had this name in maps dating back to the early 19th century. The drink, however, is at least a century older. "Cherrybounce" is recorded as an individual's nickname in a House of Lords report in 1670.[2]

The liqueur, which is popular in parts of the United States, also has a long history there. A recipe for it was found among the papers of Martha Washington.[3] It is said to have been one of George Washington's favorite drinks.


  1. Doris Jones-Baker: The Folklore of Hertfordshire; 1977. ISBN 0-87471-925-9
  2. anon., A case of assault against the Duke of Ormond, recorded in the House of Lords, Calendar, 1670-1, Eighth Report of the Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts, Appendix L, p. 156, George Edward Eyre and William Spottiswoode, Printers to Her Majesty, 1881.
  3. anon., Hoecakes & Hospitality: Cooking With Martha Washington. 2011 exhibition at George Washington's Mount Vernon