Charlotta Aurora De Geer

Charlotta Aurora De Geer later Gyldenstolpe and Wetterstedt (1779–1834), was a Swedish salonist, lady-in-waiting and noble.

Born to the noble and royal court chamberlain Johan Jakob De Geer. She was maid of honor to Princess Charlotte until her marriage in 1796; Lady-in-waiting to the queen, Frederica of Baden, in 1800-1809, and Mistress of the Robes to queen dowager Charlotte in 1818. She was in 1796 married to her relative, Major General and governor Count Nils Gyldenstolpe. She divorced in 1810 and married the statesman count Gustaf af Wetterstedt. During the reign of King Charles XIII of Sweden, she was one of the central figures of the capital's society, described as a charming beauty, and hosted salon which functioned as a political forum. She was herself politically influential, and Jean Baptiste Bernadotte was a frequent guest at her salons. She was the parent of Jaquette Löwenhielm.
