Charles Phelps Norton

Charles Phelps Norton (March 15, 1858 – 1920) was chancellor of the University at Buffalo from 1909–20; and a founder of the University at Buffalo Law School.

Norton was born in Buffalo, N.Y. in 1858 and was the son of Charles Davis Norton and Jeannette Phelps; whose grandmother Betsy Law (Sherman) Phelps was the granddaughter of American founding father Roger Sherman.

He went to Harvard University, where he was a classmate and friend of former President Theodore Roosevelt, in the class of 1880. Norton studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1885.

He died in 1923 leaving his entire estate to the university, on the condition that within three years of the probate of the will, all principal and interest would be applied to the erection of a building known as Norton Hall to be used as a meeting place for student activities. He also endowed the Norton Medal, University at Buffalo's highest honor.[1]


  1. "Campus Life at UB Owes Much to Charles Norton.," Buffalo Courier-Express - December 4, 1955.