Charles Horioka

Charles Horioka
Born September 7, 1956
Boston, Massachusetts
Nationality Japanese American
Institution Asian Growth Research Institute
Field Economics
Alma mater Harvard University
Influences Martin Feldstein
Contributions Feldstein–Horioka puzzle
Awards Nakahara Prize (2001)
Information at IDEAS / RePEc

Charles Yuji Horioka (born September 7, 1956, in Boston, Massachusetts) is a Japanese-American economist residing in Japan. Horioka received his B.A. and Ph.D. degrees from Harvard University and is currently Research Professor at the Asian Growth Research Institute in Kitakyushu City, Japan. Previously, he taught at Stanford, Columbia, Kyoto, and Osaka Universities, and most recently, he was Vea Family Professor of Technology and Evolutionary Economics Centennial at the University of the Philippines, Diliman, from 2013 until 2014. He is also a Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) and until 2013 Co-Editor of the International Economic Review.

In his article with Martin Feldstein, "Domestic Saving and International Capital Flows", published in the Economic Journal in 1980, Horioka documented a positive correlation between long-term savings and investment rates across countries. This result has come to be known as the “Feldstein–Horioka Paradox or Puzzle” and the article is one of the most cited in international finance. His specialties are macroeconomics, household and family economics, the Japanese economy, and the Asian economies, and he has written numerous scholarly articles on consumption, saving, and bequest behavior and parent-child relations in Japan, the United States, China, India, Korea, and Asia more generally.

In 2001, Horioka was awarded the Seventh Japanese Economic Association Nakahara Prize (the Japanese equivalent of the John Bates Clark Medal), which is given annually to the most outstanding Japanese economist aged 45 or younger.
