Charles Albert de Longueval, Count of Bucquoy

Charles Albert de Longueval, third count of Bucquoy (1607 – 29 March 1663) was a military commander, holder of high office, and nobleman in the Habsburg realms of the Low Countries and Bohemia. He was the son of Charles Bonaventure de Longueval and Maria Magdalena, Countess of Biglia.

His lordships included Bucquoy, Achiet-le-Petit, Vaulx, Puisieux, Gratzen, Rosenberg, Libiegitz, and Farciennes. He had the castle of Farciennes built in 1637.

His military and civil offices included hereditary Master of the Hunt of Artois (1621–1659), captain general, grand bailiff and sovereign governor of the County of Hainaut, governor of Valenciennes, general of artillery, and general of the Spanish cavalry in the Low Countries.

He was a knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece (invested Vienna, 1650) and a commander in the Order of Calatrava.

On 5 February 1634 he married Maria Wilhelmine de Croÿ Solre, daughter of Jean, Count of Croÿ Solre. The couple had thirteen children.