Chandrapur back to back HVDC converter station

Chandrapur back to back HVDC converter station
Country India
State Maharashtra
Coordinates 20°05′21″N 79°08′36″E / 20.08917°N 79.14333°E
From Western Region
To Southern Region
Ownership information
Owner Power Grid Corporation of India
Construction information
Installer of substations Alstom
Commissioned 1997
Technical information
Type Back to Back
Type of current HVDC
Total length 0 km (0 mi)
Power rating 2 x 500 MW
DC Voltage 205 kV (each pole)
Number of poles 2

The Chandrapur back to back HVDC station is a back to back HVDC connection between the western and southern regions in India, located close to the city of Chandrapur. Its main purpose is to export power from the Chandrapur Super Thermal Power Station to the southern region of the Indian national power grid. The Chandrapur back to back HVDC station is owned by Power Grid Corporation of India.

The converter station consists of two independent poles, each with a nominal power transmission rating of 500 MW. Both poles were built by Alstom between 1993 and 1997[1] and have nominal DC voltage and current ratings of 205 kV, 2475 A.

The converter station is located 20 kilometres (12 mi) from the eastern terminal of the Chandrapur–Padghe HVDC transmission system. The close proximity of the two converter stations meant that the control systems needed to be carefully coordinated, a task made more challenging by the fact that the two stations were built by different manufacturers. To address this problem a series of joint simulation studies, involving the control equipment from both converter stations connected to a common simulator, was performed.[2]

On 1 January 2014, The NEW grid is synchronised with the Southern regional grid making this converter station redundant. 400 kV AC line of NEW grid can be directly connected to the 400 kV line of Southern grid bypassing the HVDC converter stations. Thus the energy losses taking place in the converter stations can be avoided and these stations can be shifted to elsewhere to export/import power from other countries.

Arrangement and main equipment

Overall arrangement

Each of the two poles is identical and consists of a back to back connection of two 12-pulse bridge converters. Unusually, no DC smoothing reactors are used.[3]

Each pole is grounded at one of the two DC terminals.

Converter transformers

Each of the two poles uses three, single-phase, three-winding converter transformers on each side.[4]

Thyristor valves

The scheme comprises 48 thyristor valves (12 at each end of each pole) and with each thyristor valve including 54 thyristor levels in series. The thyristors are of 100mm diameter and are rated at 5.2kV. The thyristor valves are floor-mounted even though the station is located in a seismically active area.

AC filters and reactive power

Each side of the station is equipped with a total of 848 MVAr of AC harmonic filters. Each side of each pole is equipped with three, 106 MVAr double-damped filters (tuned to 12th and 24th harmonics) and one, 106 MVAr “C-type” filter. On the Southern side there are also two, 50 MVAr shunt reactors.


Site Coordinates
Chandrapur Back to Back 20°05′21″N 79°08′36″E / 20.08917°N 79.14333°E

See also


  1. Prasher V.K, Kumar Devender, Gupta R.S., Suri Rajesh, Joshi Ashok, Mukoo Sanjay, Operational Experiences of Chandrapur 2 x 500 MW back to back station, CIGRÉ session, Paris, 2002, paper reference 14-121.
  2. Abbott, K.M., Aten, M., Two HVDC schemes in close proximity: a coordination study, CIGRÉ Session, Paris, 2000, paper reference 14-109.
  3. Wheeler J.D., Davidson C.C., Williams J.D.G., Roy A.K., Design aspects of the 2 x 500MW Back-to-back HVDC scheme, CIGRÉ session, Paris, 1996, paper reference 14-104.
  4. Andersen B.R., Monkhouse, D.R., Whitehouse R.S., Williams J.D.G., Prasher V.K, Kumar Devender, Commissioning the 1000MW back to back HVDC link at Chandrapur, India, CIGRÉ session, Paris, 1998, paper reference 14-114.

External links