The Chamaesaura, also known as Grass Lizards, are a genus of legless lizards from southern and eastern Africa. The limbs are reduced to small spikes. The elongate shape and lack of limbs allows them to "swim" through grass. They are viviparous and eat small invertebrates, especially grasshoppers.
Classification of the genus Chamaesaura
Genus Chamaesaura
- Chamaesaura aenea
- Chamaesaura anguina
- Chamaesaura macrolepis
- Branch, B., 1998. Field Guide to Snakes and other Reptiles of Southern Africa: Ralph Curtis Books Publishing, Sanibel Island, Florida, 399 p.
- Spawls, S., Howell, K, Drewes, R, and Ashe, J, 2002. A Field Guide to the Reptiles of East Africa: Academic Press, San Diego, 543 p.
| | | Chamaesaura |
- Cape Grass Lizard (C. anguina)
- Large-scale Grass Lizard (C. macrolepis)
- Transvaal Grass Lizard (C. aenea)
| Cordylus |
- African Spiny-tailed Lizard (C. polyzonus)
- Angolan Girdled Lizard (C. angolensis)
- Armadillo Girdled Lizard (C. cataphractus)
- Barberton Girdled Lizard (C. barbertonensis)
- Black Girdled Lizard (C. niger)
- Blue-spotted girdled lizard (C. coeruleopunctatus)
- Campbell's Girdled Lizard (C. campbelli)
- Cape Girdled Lizard (C. cordylus)
- Cloete's Girdled Lizard (C. cloetei)
- Coastal Spiny-tailed Lizard (C. macropholis)
- C. meculae
- C. nyikae
- C. rivae
- Drakensberg Crag Lizard (C. subviridis)
- Dwarf Crag Lizard (C. nebulosus)
- Dwarf Girdled Lizard (C. minor)
- Dwarf Karoo Girdled Lizard (C. aridus)
- East African Spiny-tailed Lizard (C. tropidosternum)
- Eastern Cape Crag Lizard (C. fasciatus)
- False Girdled Lizard (C. capensis)
- Herero Girdled Lizard (C. pustulatus)
- Hewitt's Spiny-tailed Lizard (C. peersi)
- Highveld Crag Lizard (C. melanotus)
- Jordan's Girdled Lizard (C. jordani)
- Lang's Crag Lizard (C. langi)
- Lawrence's Girdled Lizard (C. lawrenci)
- Limpopo Girdled Lizard (C. jonesii)
- Maasai Girdled Lizard (C. beraduccii)
- Machado's Girdled Lizard (C. machadoi)
- Mclachlan's Girdled Lizard (C. mclachlani)
- Mozambique Girdled Lizard (C. mossambicus)
- Namaqua Girdled Lizard (C. namaquensis)
- Northern Crag Lizard (C. transvaalensis)
- Oelofsen's Girdled Lizard (C. oelofseni)
- Prickly Girdled Lizard (C. spinosus)
- Rhodesian Girdled Lizard (C. rhodesianus)
- Rooiberg Girdled Lizard (C. imkeae)
- Tasman's Girdled Lizard (C. tasmani)
- Transvaal Girdled Lizard (C. vittifer)
- Ukinga Girdled Lizard (C. ukingensis)
- Van Dam's Girdled Lizard (C. vandami)
- Warren's Girdled Lizard (C. warreni)
- Waterberg Girdled Lizard (C. breyeri)
- Western Cape Crag Lizard (C. microlepidotus)
- Zoutpansberg Girdled Lizard (C. depressus)
| Platysaurus | |
| Pseudocordylus | |
| Smaug | |