Certificate of legal aid costs

A certificate of legal aid costs is a British "certificate of costs allowed following taxation by a judicial or taxing officer."[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] It actually has nothing to do with legal aid or the Legal aid society.

It is similar to a bill of costs used in Italy,[6] and elsewhere.

See also


  1. Her Majesty's Courts Service official British Government web site. Accessed May 5, 2008.
  2. Legal Definitions on line. Accessed May 5, 2008.
  3. Law Glossary web site. Accessed May 5, 2008.
  4. Babylon.com. Accessed May 5, 2008.
  5. Inter-divorce commercial web site. Accessed May 5, 2008.
  6. University of Milan at "Roma One" web site. pdf document. Accessed May 5, 2008.