
Cephalometry is the measurement of the head, usually the human head, especially by medical imaging such as radiography. Craniometry, measurement of the cranium (skull), is a large subset of cephalometry. Cephalometry as applied in a comparative anatomy context informs biological anthropology. In clinical contexts such as dentistry and oral and maxillofacial surgery, cephalometric analysis helps in treatment and research.



Cephalometric analysis is used in dentistry, and especially in orthodontics, to gauge the size and spacial relationships of the teeth, jaws, and cranium. This analysis informs treatment planning, quantifies changes during treatment, and provides data for clinical research.


Ultrasound cephalometry is useful for determining baby growth in utero. Cephalometry can also determine if an unborn child will pass through the birth canal. Certain 3D imaging applications are now used in obstetric cephalometry.

See also
