Centre for Research on Energy Security

The Centre for Research on Energy Security (CeRES) is an Indian research center housed at The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) [1] focusing on Indian relations to energy and consequences on itself and the world, diplomatically, economically and socially. The center was created the 31 May 2005. The CeRES team is based in the India Habitat Centre office of TERI in New Delhi, India.

Core Areas

CeRES conducts research and provides analysis, information, and directions on issues related to energy security in India. It tracks global energy demands, supply, prices, and technological research/breakthroughs, and analyses their implications for world and India's energy security.

The center also engages in national, regional, and international dialogues on energy security issues, leading to new strategic partnerships with international entities, taking initiatives that would be in India's and the region's long-term interest.

CeRES' core research ares are:

Projects Undertaken

Projects undertaken by CeRES are sponsored by various multilateral institutions, government agencies and private entities. Projects include:

  1. Mapping multilateral energy institutions
  2. Global oil markets and India's vulnerability to oil shocks
  3. The international trends in natural gas markets and its relevance to India


CeRES conducts several events on themes surrounding energy security. Past events include:

See also


  1. TERI Annual Report 2012-13 http://www.teriin.org/pdf/annual-report_2012-13.pdf
  2. Fossil-Fuel Subsidy Reform in India, August 2012 http://www.iisd.org/gsi/sites/default/files/ffs_india_teri_rev.pdf
  3. http://www.iisd.org/gsi/sites/default/files/ffs_india_kerosene_alwar_final.pdf
  4. Building an energy secure future for India: in consultation with stakeholders, 2010; Khemka Foundation http://khemkafoundation.in/index.php?option=com_k2&view=itemlist&task=category&id=27:climate-change&Itemid=231
  5. Rural Energy Transitions and inequities - NFA http://www.teriin.org/projects/nfa/cces3awp2.php
  6. Norwegian Framework Agreement http://www.teriin.org/projects/nfa/
  7. Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs https://www.regjeringen.no/en/dep/ud.html
  8. TERI-NFA Working Paper Series http://www.teriin.org/projects/nfa/index.php#strategic_themes
  9. The Volkswagen Foundation and Its International Focus 2013; Volkswagen Stiftung http://www.volkswagenstiftung.de/uploads/media/CB_2013_web.pdf
  10. Lifestyles, Energy Security, and Climate - TERI, AEI and Khemka Foundation event http://www.teriin.org/index.php?option=com_events&view=details&sid=481&Itemid=110