Central University (Colombia)

Central University Colombia

Seal of the Central University Colombia
Established 1966
Type Private
Rector Rafael Santos Calderón
Administrative staff
Students 8639
Location Bogotá, Colombia
4°36′04.23″N 74°3′56.38″W / 4.6011750°N 74.0656611°WCoordinates: 4°36′04.23″N 74°3′56.38″W / 4.6011750°N 74.0656611°W
Campus Urban, 1,437 acres (582 ha)
Nickname La Central, Unicentral
Website www.ucentral.edu.co
Main reference

The Central University is an institution of higher education, a private, whose two offices are at Bogotá Colombia. It offers undergraduate and graduate programs in the areas of humanities, arts, economic and administrative sciences and engineering. Founded in 1966.


The Central University (Universidad Central) is an institution of higher education in Colombia founded in 1966. Central University was founded in 1966 by a group of renowned Colombian educators seeking to expand access to higher education to all sectors of society. On 30 June of that year, Raul Vasquez Velez, Ruben Reyes Amaya, Alberto Gomez Moreno, Eduardo Varela Mendoza, Tellez Elberto Camacho, Jorge Enrique Molina and Darío Samper, signed the act establishing the Central University Foundation. Since then, the Central University provides a comprehensive education to its students, in which his efforts have focused on the ethical, humanistic and scientific, as well as the knowledge and identification of the social reality of the country. It is proposed to be skilled professionals who are at the same time, citizens complete and capable leaders to lead and guide socio-cultural processes as required for the construction of a new country. This faculty is concerned about the professional, academic excellence and social outreach programs of undergraduate and graduate.


The graphic image of the University was built on the basis curubo leaf (Passiflora mollissima tripartite), creeper of the family of Passifloraceae, which is native to tropical and temperate South America.

Because he is an indigenous plant and strongly linked to culture, traditional medicine and food of the aboriginal communities of pre-Columbian America, the curubo is the ideal reference for communicating those traits that make us unique. This symbol is meant Colombian deeply the character of the educational project of the Central University, which is recognized as an institution that seeks to build a relevant know from our own reality.

The four sheets curubo symbolize the four main functions of this university, which must always be present in its institutional work, complementing each other: teaching, research, extension and preservation of natural and cultural heritage. In turn, the orientation of the leaves (each of which points to one of the main directions of the compass rose) expresses the ideas of universality, diversity and plurality, which are founding principles of an institution that professes freedom chair. Burgundy around the circle, the leaves are bound to suggest the sense of tolerance and respect for others' ideas, which should reign in the academy.


The hymn is one of the symbols that express institutional values that distinguish the Central University. It was composed by Pedro Medina Avendaño, who is also author of the hymns of Bogotá and the department of Boyacá, among others.

The anthem was played at the start of the solemn university events (e.g., possession of the Rector, the welcoming ceremony for students at the beginning of the semester, the ceremony of awards for meritorious service to the academic and administrative staff, and graduation ceremonies). The hymn also be interpreted at the beginning of institutional university acts as ceremonies and other stimuli academic scholarships to students, opening of buildings, auditoriums, offices and other architectural spaces, signing ceremonies of agreements, among others.


Central University of Bogota has two locations:

Accounting building of the Central University

Center Seat

Located in Race 5 No 21 - 38 in Bogotá This site works the Rectory, the Vicerrectorías, most of the races of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Economics and Accounting, Faculty of Engineering and some programs Faculty of Social Sciences Humanities and Arts.


In the vicinity of the venue, the University has a place specially prepared for students of the career of Musical Studies with instruments to conduct their practices.

Northern Headquarters

Also in Bogotá but in the north, located at Calle 75 No 16-03, which are active most of the races attached to the Faculty of Social Sciences Humanities and Arts, composed of social communication and journalism and publicity . There is also based academic marketing career.

In 2011 it incorporated the undergraduate Film and TV directed by Lisandro Duque Naranjo Colombian film director born in Sevilla, Valle on October 30, 1943. He was director of the International School of Film and Television. He collaborated with Gabriel García Márquez in conducting several film projects, including Mary (TV series), Miracle in Rome and Invisible Children. Duque Naranjo is also columnist for The Spectator and professor at Central University and National University.

In the building of the race 15 No 75-74 graduate programs work and the Institute of Contemporary Social Studies (IESCO) is an academic unit attached to the Faculty of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts, whose primary functions are linked to research issues and debates in social science and training in these areas, graduate and undergraduate levels.


The Central University has 3 faculties and 15 programs undergraduate.

Faculty of Social Sciences Humanities and Arts

Students of the University


Since 2005, the Free Theatre and the Central University signed an agreement to develop the Program of Dramatic Art, which was a major step toward the professionalization of the theater in Colombia.

The Drama Department of the Central University works to train professionals who take ownership of a firm basis in both the classic and repertory theater and in the boldest experiments of the contemporary scene.

In the country there are several schools and universities that offer programs in drama, but none of these programs has the distinction of producing a national tour in the latter half of the race, the Drama Department of the Central University, taking the development of the School of the Theatre Libre, has been doing for 8 years, national tours of students from 8 ° level of their undergraduate program, to submit his repertory theater at various venues around the country.

Social Communication and Journalism

By internal agreement 2 May 27, 1978, signed by the Council of the University, created the School of Information Science, which was intended to develop academic and professional proposals in the areas of communication, advertising, journalism and marketing . This fledgling unit was then divided into the School of Advertising, Market aspects Faculty and the Faculty of Social Communication and Journalism, the latter responsible for the Program in Communication and Journalism. The Institute for the Promotion of Higher Education, ICFES by agreeing 183 August 4, 1984, granted license to operate the program of Social Communication and Journalism at the Central University Foundation and gave final approval by Resolution 1652 of 5 August 1987.

In the beginning, the curriculum proposals were closely linked to the traditional way that focused field programs in Colombia (with an emphasis in journalism). In fact, the program began with the intention of becoming a school of journalism that qualify the performance of these professionals in this environment (curriculum 9005). Over time, and articulated with national trends and Latin American training of communicators, the department expanded its field to other fields of communication, enabling it to provide basic training and specialized in the fields of journalism and communication professionals organization (curriculum 1048 and 1050, with adjustments in the plans 1049, 1051).

Today, the educational proposal is comprehensive in order to provide space for understanding and developing ways of thinking and intervening in society from a communicative approach with the aim of training professionals to identify problems and manage communication projects for the local and regional development, as proposed in the purposes of the Central University (current curricula: 4009-4010).

Creative Writing

T his program is intended to study creative writing based on knowledge of narrative, poetry and essays.

Music Studies

Musical Studies Program began his academic work in January 1995. School emerged as the result of an agreement between the Central University and the National Youth Orchestra of Colombia. The creation of a faculty involved both a high recognition of the importance of music in the educational and socio-cultural, in addition to the serious commitment to realize the significant potential of Musical Studies Program for a triple undergraduate teaching work and graduate research and extension. Currently, the program is attached to the Faculty of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts.

The operating agreement with the National Youth Orchestra of Colombia was terminated in 2005.


In 1966 created the Technical Program in Advertising and Sales. Since 1975, through the 189 Agreement ICFES, consolidated a Technology Program in Advertising and Marketing. Both programs, technical and technological, were pioneers in the area. Similarly, this department was the first in Colombia to offer a Professional Program in Advertising in 1990. This was characterized by proposing a broad perspective on the studies in advertising, which integrated social disciplines, processes, research, technological upgrading and various linkages with the productive sector. The professional program was revised and renewed in 1998, which was strengthened particularly interdisciplinary work.

In 2007, the program was adjusted to the new dynamics of higher education and assumed the flexible system of credits. That same year, the program received the Qualified Registration issued by the Ministry of Education, through Resolution 2459. Since 2005, the Publicity Department is attached to the Faculty of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts, where he has strengthened especially its developments in research and teaching qualifications.

The various programs of study that make up the Department's history have contributed more than 4,000 graduates to the productive sector and the country as well as numerous areas of research, discussion and socialization around advertising studies.


In order to train professionals in film, in the areas of documentary and fiction, and also knowledgeable of the elements involved with the construction of audiovisual narrative, launches the new Film Program.

Given the demand and the excellent results of programs such as Advertising, Drama, Musical Studies and Creative Writing, and with a strong vocation for creative disciplines and the arts, the Central University undergraduate film launches.

This program will be directed by renowned screenwriter and film director Lisandro Duque Naranjo, who also has been Director General of the International School of Film and Television of San Antonio de los Baños (EICTV) and professor of creative writing MA at the University National.

In addition to this renowned producer, new teachers will have undergraduate highest quality and experience in the film scene, among which are: Fernando Velez Garcia, film director and film photography who also served for twenty years as a professor in the School Film of the National University Prieto Ignacio Carvajal, documentary, visual anthropology expert and author of books like Anthropology and image, color theory and the Divine proportion, and Jan Meurkens, Dutch ethnographic documentary, director of the Colombian section of the festival documentary film "Beeld Voor Beeld."

This new undergraduate graduate looking for your count not only the expertise of the creator in the field of visual aesthetics, but to acquire a solid background in creative production. This important skill today, will responsible resource management and open markets, national and international, which will result in possible circulation of his work and growing projects.

Importantly, the Central University has a magnificent cultural complex in the center of Bogotá, with several rooms for film projection, such as auditoriums and Founders Jorge Enrique Molina, Teatro de Bogotá and the iconic Teatro Faenza, currently restoration process. Added to this, has the oldest university film club Colombia, and often hosts major national and international film festivals.

See also

List of universities in Colombia


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