Center for Social and Economic Research

The Center for Social and Economic Research (CASE) is a private, independent, non-commercial research institution, established in September 1991.

CASE conducts independent research and analysis in cooperation with scholars and institutions from Poland and other countries, advises governments, international organizations and the NGO sector. The center informs and encourages public debate, and supports the development and independence of the NGO sector in post-Soviet countries through the creation of affiliates and representational office.

CASE is named the best think tank in Central and Eastern Europe according to the “The Global Go-To Think Tank Index” issued by the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program at the University of Pennsylvania. CASE also ranks 5th in the world in both the “Top Social Policy Think Tanks” and “Think Tanks with Most Innovative Policy Ideas/Proposals” categories.

CASE’s mission

CASE’s mission is to "provide objective economic analysis and to promote constructive solutions to the challenges of transition, reform, integration and development in order to improve the socio-economic well-being of societies".

CASE’s history

CASE – Center for Social and Economic Research was established in August 1991 when 10 economists (see below), involved in the process of economic transformation in Poland, signed the founding act of a new private research institution. CASE scholars and researchers assisted policy-makers during the early years of the Polish and central and eastern European post-communist transition. In the late 1990s CASE’s work began to focus increasingly on the process of European Union accession and the challenges facing the CEE region as the transition period drew to a close.

Starting in 1998, CASE began to build a network of CASE daughter organizations in other transition countries, and spread its scope of activity more broadly. It continued to build a network of partnerships and alliances with other research institutes and consulting companies inside and outside Europe throughout the early 2000s.

In December 2000 the CASE Supervisory Council took a strategic decision to transform CASE into a truly international think-tank with a mission focusing on problems of European integration, post-communist transition and global economy. In line with its new strategic direction, in mid 2000s, CASE continued to establish its international competencies by undertaking a broader development agenda in other geographic regions such as Middle East and North Africa.

In order to secure its financial stability and intellectual independence, CASE has always sought for multiplicity and diversification of its founding sources. Historically, CASE research and technical assistance projects have been financed from various sources such as the European Commission, World Bank, UN agencies, USAID, OSI network, Ford Foundation, public authorities and private corporations in several countries.

CASE founders in August 1991: Ewa Balcerowicz, Barbara Blaszczyk, Tadeusz Baczko, Wladyslaw Brzeski, Krzysztof Chmielewski, Andrzej Cylwik, Marek Dabrowski, Anna Fornalczyk, Stanislawa Golinowska, Jacek Rostowski.

Areas of activity

CASE relies on its pool of internationally recognized economic experts and Warsaw-based staff to carry out the following activities:

While remaining focused on our five core thematic areas of: (1) European Neighbourhood Policy, enlargement, trade and economic integration, (2) labour markets, human capital and social policy, (3) innovation, competitiveness and entrepreneurship, (4) reforms, growth and poverty reduction in developing and transition countries, (5) macroeconomics and public finance, we want to contribute to new debates facing Europe, including the economic impact of climate change mitigation policies and the economics of energy policy.

CASE People


CASE helps to inform public opinion through the dissemination of research results in the form of publications.

CASE Reports – Popularize the results of select CASE research projects.

CASE Studies and Analyses - also publicize the results of CASE research and advisory projects.The series was initiated in 1993.

BRE Bank – CASE – have appeared since 1992. Each edition contains the essays and presentations of the latest seminar organized by BRE Bank and CASE. The BRE-CASE seminars span topics and issues in both the Polish and global economies, with the majority focusing on the development of financial markets and the banking sectors.

E-briefs – are short pieces directed at a general audience in which experts explain the results of their research or comment on topics related to their area of expertise.

Discontinued series:

Polish Economic Outlook: Trends, Analyses, Forecasts – published since 1999. Presents economic indicators, analyses and forecasts for Poland’s economic development. The release of each new edition is marked by a press conference in which the authors present the latest findings.


CASE is a co-founder of a regional network of think tanks, which include:

CASE also cooperates with:

CASE is a participating institution in six external networks:

External links